Dear Friends, |
We are already in March and coming to the close of the first quarter of 2024. It seems like time is accelerating again as we move towards the Equinox and the change of seasons. Soon it will be Spring in the North and down here in the South it will be Autumn. This will be a welcome relief after the heat of an extremely hot summer.
What an exciting time we had in the Aquarius Gate webinars with the energy of the Dragons, which will continue with us into the months ahead as a vibrant and creative energy. But now, as we move towards the March Equinox on the 20th of March, we are moving into the influence of Sirius and the Pleiades. I watched these stars as well as the constellation of Orion move over my house a few days ago. It made me think of what Archangel Michael calls the “Beauty Codes” of Sirius and the Pleiades. These Galactic cultures are once again seeding us with impulses to create beauty and harmony. In the New Earth we don’t have to re-invent the wheel, but we can draw on our ancestral memories of times of great Beauty, Harmony, and Peace in Ancient Egypt and in Lemuria.
March energy is dreamy and Piscean until the 20th when the Sun moves into Aries and the fiery creative energy of new beginnings arrives. So why not take advantage of the softer Piscean energy to be creative and to remember lifetimes of Beauty and Elegance and Harmony with Nature. Why not dream the Paradise Garden into Reality right now? Start living your best and most creative life today!
In March we will have the Full Moon in Libra with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on the 25th of March (and Sun into Aries) on the 20th. This will be an intense time when the Beauty Codes will be made available in renewed form on the Earth. With Venus ruling the Moon, in Libra, it will be a time to connect with Beauty and Love.
But this will also prepare us for the big event in April, the Total Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April leading into the Taurus Gate Portal in May. The Eclipse on the 8th is known as “The Great American Eclipse” because it will track through Mexico, the USA and Canada. This Eclipse will deliver the Divine Masculine “Warrior of Love” Codes for the New Earth. |
To celebrate all these exciting new energies, I am offering my annual special on Private Sessions in March and April. All Private Sessions will be 200 US dollars instead of 250 US. There will be 10 sessions available in March and 10 in April on a first come first served basis, you can book now for April if you wish!
These sessions can help you to align with your Soul Purpose for the New Earth or for right now, or we can work with any issues or problems you may have. I do a Soul Purpose analysis using the Magdalene Cross, I connect with your Soul intuitively and I channel Archangel Michael and your guides in the session. |
I look forward to working with you. |
Love and Blessings Celia |