Coming Soon from Selacia


Coming Soon from Selacia

Auspicious March

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to discuss transformational opportunities of March and how to work with the auspicious energies to create your highest outcomes.

Auspicious March

We have some incredible energy present in March! Did you know that 4 of the 10 main planets – the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune – are moving through Pisces as March begins? This is auspicious!

The astrological sign Pisces can stimulate your creativity, intuition, and ability to imagine a new path forward. You don’t need to have dominant Pisces energy in your astrological birth chart or solar return to benefit from this!

I suggest intentionally inviting this helpful energy into each day. For even more support, get specific about what aspect of your life – personal or business – you want energized. When creating 2024 solar astrological returns for my clients, I found 3 people who have a stellium of several planets in Pisces for 2024. Talk about a powerful year of transformation and moving forward! 

Navigating March Energies

March is arriving with both great potentials and challenges. On those days when you feel your energy is all over the place, keep this in mind.

As a sensitive, you likely feel the volatility of these moments. Some of what you feel is very personal. The other important piece is society-at-large. Sometimes when you tune into energy, you are sensing humanity’s up-and-down energy as the fire of change gets hotter. This is palpable! After all, you are not separate from the world – all of us Divine Changemakers are connected in more ways that we can imagine.

3 Ways to Manage The Fire Of Change

Here are three ways to manage this roller coaster ride.

  1. Tune into your body regularly throughout the day, noticing when you feel stressed or concerned about something beyond your control; with your mind, intentionally let go of your ego self-talk that keeps you feeling out of control.
  2. Daily remember that you are alive now as a Divine Changemaker to help create a brand-new type of world that’s based on love; this means you have a higher purpose for being alive.
  3. Regularly throughout the day stop what you’re doing and still your mind; take three deep breaths in and out; imagine as you breathe that you are being stabilized and refueled.

Let me know how it goes! 

Coming Soon From Selacia!

I’m excited about some new things coming soon!

First is the March 16 Equinox Global Meditation that will help you benefit from the transformational energies of Equinox. As part of my guided process, you also will be prepared energetically for the March-April eclipse season. Energies arriving during that eclipse season will catalyze significant changes within each of us and all of humanity. Whether you attend live on Zoom or participate later with the recording, you will get resourced for navigating change and making progress in your life.

Below is more information on the March 16 Equinox Global Meditation, with a link to register.

Second is my plan to offer you an expanded website in the near future, with additional pages dedicated to key offerings: global meditations, Divine Changemakers courses, and 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions. Speaking of astrology, understanding the energies you have to work with can make all the difference in how you experience 2024, and what you are able create or move forward. With more self-understanding, you become a more powerful resource for others and can have increased impact in the world. The other piece is becoming aware of your optimal days for activities and knowing about potential challenges so you can better manage them.

Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses

  • Energies – March 10 Pisces New Moon * March 25 Libra Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon – beginning of a powerful eclipse season * April 8 Aries Solar Eclipse at the New Moon
  • Global Meditations – March 16 Equinox * April 20 Love The Earth * May 18 Wesak * Post Wesak – Solstice
  • Divine Changemakers Courses – Join Anytime Dancing In The Fire of Change * ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth
  • Reset for Divine Changemakers Dancing In The


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