Happy Valentines Day!


Happy Valentines Day! 


City of Light Gathering #2

It’s a wonderful time and a gift to be embodied in our beautiful Gaia. Please join us for the second FREE webinar, a Celebration of Joy with the Cities of Light. The webinar will be hosted by Council of Love Teacher, Antara Greene, along with Lorraine McGovern and Dana Limpert of the Chesapeake Bay City of Light. The gathering is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 17 at 11 EST.

We would love to have you with us to receive, open, and explore our Golden Toolbox of Treasures. These tools and treasures will guide us in Unity and Community of One as we continue our inner and outer expansion, in the development of the Cities of Light.


We look so forward to having you with us! Here is your Zoom link – just click on it for next Saturday!




Returning to Self-Love through Self-Care

by Roxanne Smith


I have spent a lifetime creating self-care rituals to manage chronic pain, de-stress, and remain anchored in my heart. My primary intention was to always keep my physical, mental, and emotional bodies healthy to avoid any triggers that led to debilitating pain. It wasn’t until a car accident two years ago that I realized that self-care had become more of a requirement to avoid what I didn’t want, instead of the beautiful act of love I now remember it to be. Since that reawakening, I once again feel joy in self-exploration and a deepening of love as I play with every tool in my extensive care kit and create new rituals to cultivate love while caring for my sacred self.

The Council of Love has always encouraged us to take time to nurture and care for ourselves. Unfortunately, with so many distractions, it’s easy to put our self-care off or forget about it altogether when competing with work, family, and long to-do lists. Or if we manage to do something for ourselves, we often rush through it instead of being fully present and enjoying the experience.


February is the month of love and a perfect time to offer the Self-Care Corner again. Please join me on the third Sunday of the month for Sunday Self Care a time for self-love through self-care. This month we will meet on Feb. 18, 2024, 11–11:30 a.m. EST. We will relax with breathwork, release with gentle Qigong movement, and connect to Love using the Violet Flame.


Click here to join.  Feel free to invite your family and friends.


Thank you. Enjoy your family time.

Love you, Roxanne



From My Heart to Yours, All my Love xxx, Linda

Linda Dillon

Founder, Council of Love


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