Announcing the Science and Spirit of the Michael Proph


Dear friend, 

Disclosure is happening now. UFO crash retrievals. Angels and demons. Threats against those who dare to speak. It’s all going public now at the widest possible level.

Even once we bring in off-planet and underground bases, and the idea of ongoing, direct ET interactions in secret programs, there is still much, much more to know.

In 1996, I began using established remote-viewing protocols to receive words from a higher intelligence that eventually identified itself as Archangel Michael in 1999.

I combined images I was seeing in crop formations with words in sources like the Law of One. I found many intriguing parallels in alternative and modern science.

In the early part of my online career, up through 2005, I talked about the message of these ‘readings’ as I understood them at the time. Then I walked away from all of it.

As you’ve heard me say, Michael dictated a total of seven books’ worth of material through me. All seven of these books were published in the last year.

The world is filled with terrifying threats and spectacles everywhere we look. Readers of the Michael Prophecies know this is all part of a perfect plan.

The ultimate message of Michael is that our entire planet will experience what Christians might think of as Rapture. This is not just 144,000 people, but everyone.

We also were given a solid deadline of mid-2025 as the latest date this event will occur.

This might seem outrageous, ridiculous or what have you, but Michael has demonstrated literally hundreds of accurate prophecies in each book to back this up.

Michael also kept feeding me detailed and beautifully complex dreams that the books lay out in precise and entertaining detail. Many of these dreams feature ET contact.

It appears that once we reach a critical point of healing our planet and restoring justice and freedom, and Disclosure occurs, we will then get the “Galactic Family Reunion.”

Michael implies that the “First Wave of Ascension” and this mass ET contact seem to occur simultaneously — and may be two parts of the same overall event.


Ever since I finished writing the books, I have been working to translate these epic teachings to video, since many people don’t want to read anymore.

Literally just three days after I finished Book Seven, I had a very brief window to bring Chris Beskar in. This led to an entire week of taping with seven camera angles.

In case you don’t know, Chris Beskar was introduced to me by Pete Peterson, my top insider who first alerted me to the existence of the Alliance.

Chris has had many (ahem) similar experiences as Pete, and he definitely releases a variety of intriguing new pieces of intel in this course.

Chris is the CEO and founder of Stavatti Aerospace, the company I am working with to bring out next-generation technology like powerplants and hovercars.

Chris and I have a full dialogue on the Science of the Michael Prophecies, where we bring in his own insider scientific knowledge as a type of “Cosmic Peer Review.”

My original plan was that Chris and I would review each of the books, one by one, and focus on the science they contained — along with any tidbits he could hand us.

Instead, I had to “release the stricture,” using a classic Law of One term. I ended up creating an entirely new course and design to present the Sacred Science.

This became Sacred Science of the Michael Prophecies. We ended up filming eleven episodes that add up to about ten and a half hours of amazing, slide-rich content.

Each of the eleven videos is around an hour in length on the average, so it doesn’t tie up too much of your time to watch an episode.

A majority of the episodes end with hilarious outtakes — a “gag reel” of various verbal malapropisms and other disasters that happened in the due course of filming.


Sacred Science by itself is enough material to add up to a full course launch, the way I used to do it — in terms of the sheer hours of content and the quality.

However, I also have promised my subscribers seven more videos, going through each of the seven Michael Prophecies books — but this time focusing on the Spirit.

I still haven’t filmed the Spirit of the Michael Prophecies videos yet, because I have to actually make enough time in my schedule to re-read the books and build slides.

However, I now have the perfect “schedule window” to finish the Spirit of the Michael Prophecies — namely Christmas through the first week of January 2024!

This is a ‘shutdown’ period in all other forms of business. Therefore it’s perfect for me to have the time to get all seven of these new videos done.

Each video will offer an overview of the revelations in each of the seven books, while also adding in updates and new insights that have since come along.

Another fascinating and cliff-hanging aspect of this launch is the timing. One of the top Alliance sources has just given strong hints of major developments in the near future.

I will therefore be updating each video with the latest and greatest intel that is too hot for the public airwaves as it comes in. You know me… I always give it my very best!

I do intend to have all seven videos done no later than the first or second week of January, if it even takes me that long.

First I have to re-read the books and build the slides, which I am already doing now, and then I will begin filming around the 24th — in between rounds of snow and wind.


We are offering a special discount for you, since you have already shown your support by being a regular member of this email list.

From now until I finish the last video for Book Seven, we are offering you a special, insiders-only discount on the Michael Prophecies book and video course bundle!

You’ve heard me saying we were offering it at 333. From now until I finish, if you use our
special offer code, you can get it for 299!

Use code: SPIRIT to receive Sacred Science of The Michael Prophecies for only $299!

We already have eleven episodes done, in the can and ready for you to watch now on our website. The others will be produced and released during the holidays.

All seven of the books are complete and ready to go as well. They are great for when you have long periods of time alone — to have your mind completely blown.

I am galvanized by the new insiders who have come forward, the steps we are seeing toward Disclosure, and the overall fulfillment of Michael’s prophecies.

I have truly felt an incredible spiritual presence around me like never before, and I intend to make these upcoming videos truly life-changing.

The Sacred Science of Michael Prophecies is here now, and I think you will be highly impressed! I believe I ran through at least 700 slides, maybe over 1000.

We have not been able to get business loans for our company in the short term, so we do still urgently need your help.

Thank you in advance for stepping up and joining in the Science and Spirit of the Michael Prophecies!

Many Blessings,


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