Truth: You’re right. About ALL of it. [Today: Limitless Being]


Hello Beautiful ~

I’ve been asking for more clarity and ease in opening to greater well being in my life. And it has come.

This is natural because your Divine Self is always listening to you. And answering. Giving, generously and unconditionally.

Your Divine Self is always speaking to you and you receive that as inner knowing, desire, clarity. And what you receive is right for you, right now.

And as Archangel Raphael said in a recent message:

“You are a multidimensional co-creator. You have access to the Infinite. And these are not just words, they’re descriptions of the actual way your experience is structured and functions.

At this time, as we’re bombarded with increasing high frequency light and even more encoded information, the opportunities for significant breakthroughs are HUGE. 

Even as the world is massively changing, hidden things are coming to light and there seems to be chaos and change everywhere, you can and very much and are being CALLED to create your own personality reality so that you DEMONSTRATE and EMBODY what is possible.

We KNOW that you came into your human experience with the intention to awaken, remember, reclaim your capacity to create and in doing so, THRIVE!

The energies of this month will be an appropriate FINALE! To this year of elevation and massive transformation within humanity and within your world. Realize and celebrate —  THIS is the year, that Earth moved into the 5th Dimension and with that, everything has changed!

We feel that preparation for 2024…

Including opening to more abundance, more joy, more ease, more clarity, more confidence in what is happening and in participating with it, is the most supportive and empowering way to share with you now.

We have decided to focus upon working with some very specific methods to assist you in gaining mastery over the creation of your energy system, and the mastery in the creation of your energetic momentum and your state of receptivity, in support of well-being and manifesting the Life you want to live.

When we say MASTERY of generating a momentum of power and clarity we are not kidding. For the path we will unfold for you, will be simple and clear and it will be the regular practicing of it, that empowers you to establish and anchor in this new, more empowered and skillful way of focusing each day, to generate momentum and create your life, as you wish.

It is our great joy to bring these transmission experiences to you, now, as you the Light Workers and Way Showers, begin to light the way. Making real and vividly available, coherent demonstrations of living in inner harmony and with ease, in abundance and joyful well-being!

We think that these shining examples of radiant flow and higher light are exactly what will bring the world forward and ignite a feeling of recognition and hope within those just waking up to who they truly are.

We cannot image a more wonderful way to begin living as the REAL YOU, here, than to open to this and also light the way, for the rest of your human family, to join you!

You are beacons of Light illuminating the New Possibilities for Being Human! Together we will amplify that radiance and sense of power and possibility, so YOU are able to shine steadily and brilliantly for all to feel, sense and see.

Welcome, Dear Friends, to this doorway, this threshold opening up into limitless being…”

👉 Your Invitation to Limitless Being 

This can be YOUR TIME OF THRIVING…  Your time to allow ease. and open more and elevate, to expand in clarity, confidence, connection and mastery of creating your energy field and your energetic momentum and state of receptivity.

It’s time to light up by doing it your way. And I can’t wait to see more and more of us, living like this. Free and radiant. Joyful and abundant. Radiant with well-being and demonstrating what is possible now, here.

We’d LOVE for you to join us. All the details are here:


Blessings and light,



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