HOLIDAY SALE on Courses/Webinars
50% Off Sale Ends December 9th
NEXT TWO WEEKS: Enjoy 50% off on all courses and webinarson Ascension Works TV.
Corey’s Course Participants Only: Our ongoing 50% off sale on yearly subscriptions for the full video library Streaming Subscription (a discount for all members who have attended a course from Corey) will be ENDING on December 9th also. There is still time to lock in your subscription at half-price if you have not yet done so.
Gift Subscription features now added! When purchasing a subscription to a streaming plan (like “Ascension Worker” access) there is now a checkbox you may select titled “This is a gift” where you can also enter the email address of the person you want to purchase the subscription for, which is where their login deatils will be sent.