Abundant Living: Doors Are Open! + Replay of LIVE Q&A 😇


Greetings, Beautiful Light Bringer!

We had a great time on the Live Q&A Channeling Session on Thursday!

Go here to watch — the energies extend to everyone — both live and on replay.

The response was amazing from those who were present, and those who emailed me later to offer Thanks . . . 

Live Channeled Answers for Tough Times – Abundant Living – Ep 25


A live event like this is just a small sample of what this work can do for you, in an ongoing way.

Most Starseed / Light Bringers require ongoing support now. These intense energies have brought up so many questions —

Issues affecting your family or income, your health or your work, and your path of growth . . .

Past life issues. Plus the energetic blocks and interferences you haven’t been able to shake . . .

Plus these powerful energies – that’s a LOT to handle!

I started the Abundant Living Program to assist people in experiencing more Joy, fulfillment, and Peace of heart-mind in every area of life.

It’s expanded to become like an Ascension support group, assisting many in their soul growth and healing, and offering steady energetic support and guidance, including: 

  • Energy work to clear and release old mental / emotional blockages and to help you feel more empowered
  • Channeled guidance that offers encouraging insights and explains tough situations, while clearing current and past life agreements, oaths, and vows
  • Energy work to dissolve old trauma, limiting soul contracts, energy blockages, entity interferences (discarnates, ETs, past life relationships), ancestral interferences, and more
  • Practical tools – EFT Tapping scripts, visualizations, channeled ebooks, and meditations for dissolving blockages

Platinum, Gold, and Silver Members regularly receive channeled answers and energy work for their personal life questions — read about that, and other life-enhancing benefits here.

The Collective and your Spirit team hold a much bigger vision of what’s possible for you than you may hold for yourself.

They’re ready to help you release the old 3D issues and energy patterns that have held you back, so you can move more fully into 5D expansion, while birthing your dreams into reality.

See below or go here for testimonials of how others have received vital support from this program, and how you can start to finally resolve the challenges you’ve carried for so long.

The doors are open for New Members to join!  
Take advantage of the
Special Lower Pricing
that ends
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
at 11:00 PM Eastern Time [US]

Just go here and scroll down to the bottom of the page to sign up.

You’ll then receive a Welcome Email with the password to your Members Portal on the website.

The first 3 people to become
New Gold or Platinum Members
will each receive
a Private 45-Minute Channeling Session with the Collective
for them or a loved one,

after completing three months of ALP membership

So before you decide, please go within and ask your Spirit guides and higher self if ALP is right for you.

If so, we’ll be happy to welcome you to the expansion, answers, and energy lifts you’ve been looking for!

Much Love & Light,


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