Becoming Your True Self: a NEW Conscious Evolution Program


“We have heard you and we are here to initiate you into the transformative journey of Becoming Your True Self.”


Hello Beautiful  ~

Wow. Things are accelerating and elevating so quickly now. It is amazing.

It is so wonderful to write to you tonight (it’s Thursday night here…) I am awed by what is unfolding in our experience…and in my own life personally!

If you’ve been feeling exceptionally strong energy, you’re not imagining it!

Higher Light is being focused upon Earth and all of humanity to purify our energy, in support of our Divine Embodiment. In support of personal and planetary ascension.

This light is infusing us and our world, to transmute lower energies with illumination. 

Light is powerful! And even though many of us are really feeling the strength of these energies and the affects of it on our bodies, we’re also transforming. KNOW THIS. FEEL IT.

This afternoon while out on a walk, I could FEEL the new Conscious Evolution program coming in…

And given that I was flattened earlier by an M-Class flare and not sure I could channel more in-depth, I asked Archangel Michael — “Could you tell me, in a way I cannot possibly misunderstand, and simply, what is happening now, and what the focus of this new Conscious Evolution program will be? And immediately and perfectly clearly, I heard:

It’s TIME for for Initiations INTO the TRUE SELF

And I felt this huge flood of of golden energy into my heart chakra and everything around me just felt like a radiant moment of Divine Perfection.


And of course it is and was a beautiful day — but I shifted when I received this from Archangel Michael  — just receiving the theme and this brief message affected me so deeply with some kind of inner knowing and I felt very moved.

And everything I perceived around me felt higher, brighter, and I felt my connections with Michael and my Divine Self and Source and Life, in my heart and my energy, immediately become more alive and expansive.

It was SO beautiful and amazing.

And so I want to tell you this and also? I’ve learned that Ascension IS a series of Initiations.

Which helps me understand the significance of what we’ve been co-creating together this year…Because the words, “this is an initiation,” have come up several times…

The Initiations that are our ascension journey build upon one another. There’s many and some of them have already happened mostly without us even knowing… And now, some of us are asking for and ready to, be:


WOW. And tonight I received the FULL transmission /channeled message from Archangel Michael — which is your invitation …🥰 


The message itself, is such a GIFT — so by all means, click the link above to READ & RECEIVE this shimmering, love filled acknowledgement and invitation!

We are moving into a beautiful new field of possibilities!

I am SO joyful and peaceful and EAGER for this co-creation!! 

You can learn more about what Archangel Michael has shared about this here:

CLICK to read the message from Archangel Michael

As you receive this message FEEL your own beautiful contribution to our evolving world.

Allow yourself to really savor ALL YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE! Celebration is so important. And encouragement is such a key to all of this.

So soak it up! REALLY OWN it.

And then, if this new invitation speaks to you, please join us.

Beautiful Friend — I have to tell you, I am so honored to be on this journey with you.
It is my great joy! Truly.

We have come so far, and more and more wonderful things are opening up within us, and being showered upon us…

We are SO loved and SO blessed!! It’s beautiful.

Hang in there while you integrate all the new frequencies and the energies activate and opening up from the Eclipse Cycle … and as we move toward 11-11…(Which is going to be HUGE)

I am with you! 

Sending you BIG LOVE and LIGHT,


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