The Trauma Stops Here


Hi Adita,


If things have been feeling extra intense and challenging for you recently, you are not alone.

As the collective vibe of the planet keeps rising, it’s bringing things to the surface that require healing and resolution.

Unresolved trauma, guilt and shame that we’ve picked up throughout our lives are stored in the body and emotions until we address and heal them.

It’s a top priority for me to help people free themselves of trauma and suffering.

>>Free Yourself and Heal Now<<


I asked one of my dear clients Sam if I could share his experience as an example.

When Sam first reached out, he was suffering from intense anxiety that had been with him for 20+ years.

He’s been on a wellness path for years, yet the anxiety felt like it was only amplifying.


It was preventing Sam from enjoying meaningful relationships and keeping him stuck in a job that brought him no joy, and constant health issues because of all the stress he was experiencing.

That’s when Sam reached out.


With special care, we addressed some of Sam’s unresolved traumas that he was still holding in his body and emotions.

Since then, Sam’s health has made a leap for the better. His new motto now is “My health is my wealth,” which reminds him that the greatest investment he can ever make, is to take good care of himself every day.

As a result of healing the parts of himself that were still struggling, Sam was able to free himself from debilitating anxiety.

And the blessings continued. Sam was able to also create the space for himself to align with a new career path that he loves, which interestingly enough, allows him to feel energized and happier.


Sam is not an anomaly. This kind of shift is available to everyone, including you.

It’s humbling to get to witness it every day with my clients.


It just takes a willingness to do something different.


If you are ready to move beyond trauma, fear, shame, guilt, abandonment, insecurity, pain, lack, struggle loops, or anything else that has been holding you back in any way, it would be an honor for me to support you, my friend.

It is with profound gratitude that I introduce to you, The Spiritual Detox, a 6-part healing journey + a LIVE Zoom gathering, that will support you with healing trauma and freeing yourself from suffering once and for all.

Come see if it resonates with you to take this journey with me.

>>Explore The Spiritual Detox Here<<

You deserve the world and so much more, and I want to empower you to be the person to give yourself everything you desire in this lifetime.


Let’s clear your path and co-create the space for you to be completely free.

With gratitude,


p.s. The special offer for The Spiritual Detox expires soon


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