What Does It Mean To Dance In The Fire Of Change

A World & Your World In Crisis

What Does It Mean to Dance In The Fire Of Change?

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to give you context for what it means for us to live in constant crisis mode as our outer world structures crumble to pave the way for a world based on love. First off, let me tell you that we indeed will transform this world into one based on love. That’s what you and I are here for!

Has The World Gone Crazy?

Meanwhile, on any given day, if you’re like me, you likely feel the world has gone crazy and there’s no solid footing. First, because of the unprecedented pace of changes, Second, because of the big and oftentimes shocking reveals of abuses of power. Third, because of the secrets and lies now becoming public.

It’s like the door to the dark basement of humanity’s unhealed wounds has been opened to the light.

As you know, I’m an optimist and I’ve been on a spiritual path my whole life. I follow the news enough to know key themes and get an idea of the potential futures in store for us. I was a professional journalist for many years earlier in my career, too, when the media wasn’t told by big corporations what to write. Also, because of my longtime global work with clients and students, I am able to tune into themes people are concerned about and need help making sense of on a personal-spiritual level.

While there aren’t many constants in our everyday lives, the one we can count on is ongoing rebirth on a personal and spiritual level. It’s as though the fire of change has gotten so hot, we are now in an accelerated momentum of rebirth. I’m in it – you are in it – everyone you know is in it.

What Does It Mean to Dance In The Fire Of Change?

When I was coming up with the theme for this year’s Divine Changemakers Course, the name came to me when I was at the ocean, meditating and contemplating both my personal life and that of humanity-at-large. When I heard the name “Dancing In The Fire Of Change” I immediately got goosebumps! I knew that since we’re in the fire, we need tools to find our joy and stability. That’s how we lift ourselves up and discover the courage to be who we truly are – contributing to the mega-shift humanity needs.



Wounds Of Humanity – Collective & Personal

The process of transforming our world begins with us. We Divine Changemakers have the self-awareness to understand our role. Each of us is in our own rebirth process – redefining who we are on a soul/cosmic level and finding our voice to manifest, fully express our soul, and be a potent force of change for others.

In my Dancing In The Fire Of Change Course starting September 24, I can help you do this. I will give you amazing tools to both navigate our constantly-changing world and manifest your soul’s purpose. As part of that, you will learn to create joy and celebratory vibes in your energy field, lifting you up when the fire of change gets too hot. This is like GOLD!

More info and registration link below.

Our Next Global Meditation on Equinox

I’m excited about our September 23 Equinox Gateway meditation described more below. This Equinox is a powerful opportunity to shift your life experience and initiate a new path forward. Join us by registering now!

For More Energetic Support 

Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.

Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds.

If you participate in my Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” course, I suggest working this month with our tools (e.g. “Leave Behind” and “Relationship Window”).

Not yet in our “ReAnchor” course? Join anytime HERE.

Feel free to contact me for more information on my new 2023 Divine Changemakers course, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful.

Thank you for being a part of my life journey in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support!

May love and success be yours,



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September 23 Equinox Gateway Meditation

  • Experience powerful Equinox Gateway of transformation
  • Move forward in a new way with targeted life insights
  • Balance your life to create higher energy vibes
  • Connect with joy and playfulness during Selacia’s dolphin process, receiving a personal message about your life
  • Join with others across the world on zoom before we start and at the end – building bonds & connection with others on a spiritual path
  • Participate in a powerful planetary healing that uplifts consciousness
  • Benefit from Selacia’s signature “Fire Activation Process” that will help you manage volatile emotions and create inner peace
  • Receive further insights and healing by listening to the recording


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