Answers + Energy Work – LIVE Q&A TODAY! 🙏


Hello, my Friend –

Last Call to join us today! 

Live Q&A Group Channeling Call 

Sunday at 12 PM Pacific / 3 PM Eastern Time

There’s so much happening in the world now that people have questions about, in addition to questions about our own lives.

The powerful solar Light coming in means we are integrating so much change at once!

Most of us are also dealing with at least one old issue — money, family, relationships, weight, health, old anger, old fears — that we would love to finally get real guidance and energy work for. 

This single Live Q&A Call (Not part of the Abundant Living Program) offers you the benefit of higher guidance and energies offered not only to yourself, but to each person on the Call. 

The energies go out to everyone on the Call, whether you’re there live or listening to the recording.

And the intentions to heal and finally resolve a situation are magnified many times over by all present. 

To be a part of the call, go here to the signup page, and scroll down for the “Add to Cart” button.

Then bring or email in one question for the Collective and your Spirit team on any topic you wish, personal or global. ​

You’ll receive guidance, energy work, and energy clearings on that issue, with info on the root of that issue​. 

Your question might be about:​ 

  • Events happening in the world now
  • Issues with family members, friendships, or a romantic partner
  • Your life work
  • Dealing with dense emotions
  • Soul contracts and agreements 
  • Past life experiences 
  • Your Earth mission or life purpose
  • Clearing energy, entity, and ancestral interferences
  • Money and other Abundance issues
  • Any other issue you would like clarity and energy work for

Just go here to reserve your spot.

Then email in your question to before the live Zoom Call, or ask it live on the Call.

To learn how Q&A Calls work, go here to watch the video below, from a past Q&A.

Please note: This Q&A Call will not be posted as YouTube videos. All questions and answers will be shared only among group members. 

If you want to stay anonymous on the Call, just email in your question ahead of time, and request “No names, please!” 

So many have found these Calls helpful, and the Collective and I really enjoy doing them.

So if it feels right for you now, please do join us tomorrow!

Much Love & Light,


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