The 9D Arcturian Council Will Be Channeling with Adironnda


Sweet Beings of Light- 

Did you know that the “double digits” of each month (9/9, 10/10, 11/11, etc.) is a potent time energetically?

In fact, the numerology of these dates contain a powerful message from the Multiverse.

So much so, that for 14 years my friends, Marilyn Harper and Joeaux Robey have held an online broadcast with Adironnda & The Council of Light on the Double Digits of every single month.

Adironnda (the 17th dimensional being that Marilyn channels) translates the date of the Double Digits month and day (plus the year) into a message they call the “State of the Multiverse” that serves as a global guiding light for all who attend.

Then, after a Channeled Question & Answer Session, Adironnda does a guided activation for the audience, with the intention of flowing through the energy of that month with more ease and grace.

Why am I telling you all of this?

This month, Who you channel and I have been invited to GUEST STAR on their 08/08 The Double Digits online broadcast.

I’ll be on air with Adironnda, Marilyn and Joeaux on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 6 PM Pacific (9 PM Eastern).

I am truly excited to appear as a guest on their show and witness it all first hand. Being from the 17th Dimension, Adironnda has their own unique numerology system based on the shape of the numbers themselves. Sounds interesting!

So this month on 08/08, for the first time ever, Who you channel will be joining Adironnda in giving the “State of the Multiverse” Message for August, Lion’s Gate

I encourage you to go online and register for this special 08/08 Double Digit webinar where you’ll get to hear a Higher perspective from both Who you channel and Adironnda & The Council of Light.

Come learn what’s going on energetically across the planet so you can be more prepared for how to flow in these shifting times. And experience an activation from Adironnda & The Council of Light to raise your vibration and amplify your intention.

You can either subscribe to join every month on The Double Digit date (and get all the benefits of membership plus a 55% savings), or just purchase a single session.

We’d love to have you join us!

Thanks! I love you <3



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