Join a SPECIAL Lion’s Gate Event!

Hello Beautiful  ~

Two days until the Lion’s Gate and wow! Am I feeling it. Are you?

I am SO looking forward to this alignment. For anyone unfamiliar with it, I thought I’d share a little bit about the Lion’s Gate…

The Council of Radiant Light tells us, that the Lion’s Gate is a mystical day, a cosmic alignment that offers us uniquely relevant higher dimensional frequencies from Sirius, and the Great Central Sun, while our SUN is in Leo.

It’s a powerful induction that can call you into your most radiant, expansive state of presence and power!

Sirius is known to radiate the vibration of FREEDOM and is associated with liberation.

This is an energy that can help you to shift out of, or release limitations, and expand into the true Self. Expressing your true Self and expanding into your Higher Light, is the evolutionary path of All life on Earth.

The Lion’s Gate is considered a portal; an opening into enhanced awareness, insight that lies beyond our ordinary perceptions and understanding.

This year it comes on a rising wave of energy, providing an INFUSION of higher light and giving us an opportunity to shift into a new level of being.

We can choose… Freedom from the past. Freedom from separation. The opportunity to align with these higher dimensional energies and open to our true freedom, as Divine Beings.

The Earth has shifted into higher light and we are now receiving that energy and experiencing in our bodies and in our lives.

A new dimensional experience of higher frequency and a timeline of divine expression and universal abundance is open and expanding.

And each present moment we can align with All That We are and open to the infinite flow…

There is only ONE LIFE. One Infinite Unified. The Lion’s Gate is a threshold, and a timeline of living in Higher Light and Unity of Spirit, lies before us…

In the energies of this alignment, we can attune ourselves to the immense abundance of Creation, aligning with the Oneness that is all, and allow that energy state, to evolve our experience.

Imagine living your life, embodying higher levels of your wholeness! Experiencing greater Unity, knowing you are Divine Eternal Consciousness, loved and supported by the Infinite, and having the know-how to confidently co-create with All of Creation, the Life you want to live, and knowing you deserve this!

The energies of this day, are aligned with this kind of radiant capacity.

You’re Invited!
Join a Special Lion’s Gate Event

WHEN: LIVE on Tuesday, 8 August at 12:00 pm pacific time
(also recorded)

WHERE: Listen online via any internet connected device that can stream live audio (event is audio only).

All attendees will get access to both the LIVE EVENT and the Audio Recording (.mp3) The audio recording (.mp3) will be available shortly after the live event is over — same day — for streaming.

This will be a richly layered, multidimensional higher light experience, including channeled messages, teaching and guided experiences that will work with your energy on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, supporting you in: 

  • Cultivating Greater Unity with All That You Are!;
  • Allowing higher finer energies within your harmonics to be embodied; 
  • And to initiate within you, the translation (knowing/understanding/perception) of the new Earth experiences, that are online and available to you, now.

This is an incredible opportunity for making a significant shift. Whether you join us, or work with the energies on your own, we strongly suggest you set aside time on Tuesday, to open and receive.

If you’d like to Join with the Expect Wonderful Global Community:


You’ll receive a confirmation of payment sent immediately to the email you used in your purchase.

Look for a separate email within 24-hours, from me, with the link and details for joining the Live Event.

I am so looking forward to working with these amazing energies and gathering with our global community to open and receive the gifts of this alignment.

I hope you’ll join us!


P.S. You can also find full details for this event and register on our website, here:



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