Full Moon Meditation with Selacia

Full Moon Meditation with Selacia

Attend August 5 Live & Recorded Guided Experience

Hello friends,

I’m looking forward to this weekend, sharing with you today’s Full Moon Global Meditation!

Get Resourced At Our Meditation

Participating in today’s meditation will help you tap the energetic magic of this week’s Supermoon, helping you bring your dreams into reality.

When you join us today, you will be guided to receive targeted life insights that help you understand yourself, others, and your path forward. The energy you receive from my signature “Fire Activation Process” will help you manage volatile emotions and connect with inspiration about your life.

Healing and transformation will take place throughout our time together – the beneficial energies unfolding for days afterwards.

Join us for today’s Full Moon meditation described more below by registering now!


Starting in September: “Dancing In The Fire Of Change”

My new 2023 Divine Changemakers course – “Dancing In The Fire Of Change” is coming up soon! I’m looking forward to sharing it with all of you! More information and registration below.

Feel free to contact me for more information, to inquire about the Divine Changemakers courses, and to give me feedback on recent articles, meditations, and processes. Your input is welcome, and helps me create relevant content and offerings.

Thank you for being a part of my life journey in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support!

May love and success be yours,



* All Rights Reserved *

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August 5 Full Moon Meditation

  • Tap the potency of the August 1 Aquarius Full Moon shining light on your path ahead
  • Connect with inspiration about your life path and next steps
  • Receive targeted life insights that help you understand yourself and others
  • Benefit from Selacia’s signature “Fire Activation Process” that will help you manage volatile emotions
  • Join with others across the world on zoom before we start and at the end – building bonds & connection with others on a spiritual path
  • Participate in a powerful planetary healing to transform our world
  • Benefit from the recording by re-listening for further insights and healing


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