Child Abuse: Why We Write It Into Our Life Charts 🌟 Saint Germain Speaks!


Hello, Amazing One!

As always, I send you much Love and Light in these Transformative times we are in!

This week’s Message is Part 3 of the channelings on why so many write child abuse into their life chart. 

This week we hear from Ascended Master Saint Germain, known for his powerful Transmuting Violet Flame. 

Child Abuse: Why So Many Write It Into Their Life Chart – Pt 3

Lord Saint Germain’s insights, while intense and blatantly honest, are also powerfully affirming of the incredible Transmutation you and I are in, and assisting with.

Lord Saint Germain affirms that we’ve come to heal ourselves of past life trauma (which current life trauma draws up within us).

And yet also, to end duality on the planet.

It doesn’t get any bigger than that!

Go here for the full transcript of this Message, and here for the video version.

So now it’s true about all of Earth life now, if we will allow ourselves to grasp it, to go beyond the disempowering labels of up and down, good or bad:

“It’s ALL Good.”

Much Love to you, my friend, as always,

P S The latest Abundant Living Podcast is out — an interview with amazing Master Energy Healer and Medical Intuitive Janet Doerr!

Master Energy Healer Janet Doerr – Abundant Living Podcast – Ep 17

Janet offers live energy work and insights for callers. (Originally aired on A Night at the Roundtable, on

P P S  If you’re looking for something a bit lighter, listen in as another radio show guest, novelist Cathy Corn speaks of her real-life encounters with the Faery realm — and three of my cohosts join in with amazing stories of their own experiences of the Fae! 

True Fairy Encounters 🌟 Cathy Corn: Novels & Encounters with the Fae

A lot of fun, and a beautiful glimpse into what is usually a hidden realm.



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