Channeling, Energy, and How Our Star Families Are Helping Us To Navigate the Changes


Sweet Beings of Light-

Now Is The Time.

All our lives, we’ve felt that this tremendous change was coming.

The ancient prophecies from every continent, from a wide variety of ancient & indigenous cultures, have told stories for millennia pointing to NOW as the time of transformation and revelation.

Now, it is finally here.

And WE are here!

We have the honor of living in these momentous times. We have the chance to powerfully live these changes.

We get to tear down the old, everything that wasn’t true and wasn’t working.

We get to build the new world.

So let us attune our awareness, our consciousness, and our hearts to what is truly possible & available to us NOW — It is far more than we have imagined!

To explore the vastness of what we can create (together!) during the upcoming pivotal years, my dear friend and colleague Jocelyn Star Feather has created an inspiring, visionary new podcast. It’s called:

🔥 The Sacred Planet Podcast 🔥
We Are Building A Radical New World, Together

My interview is titled “Channeling, Consciousness, Star Beings, and Timelines with Daniel Scranton – Sacred Planet Podcast” and it’s available NOW!

Click here to watch my interview today

The Sacred Planet Podcast is designed to serve individuals all around the world who are awakening, connecting to higher consciousness, and wanting to learn more about the energy body, holistic & energetic healing, original & indigenous wisdom, sacred sites, star connections & our origins in the stars, quantum physics, sacred geometry, astrology, cycles of time, and many other topics which are important and relevant on the life-altering journey of awakening.

Through this podcast, we are bringing forward new & groundbreaking information, to guide YOU in profoundly shifting your understanding of reality & upleveling your perception of what is possible for you (and for humanity as a collective) at this momentous time on our planet.

I’m delighted to be a featured speaker on The Sacred Planet Podcast! Click here to watch my interview now.

I hope you’ll enjoy every minute of it!

P.S. ~ The Sacred Planet Podcast will feature groundbreaking speakers and topics in the coming months, including:

  • Puma Fredy Quispe Singona — Mashkay Pacha · Cycles of Life

  • Katerina Satori — Atlantean Wisdom & Life Mastery Codes

  • Daniel Scranton — Channeling, Energy, and How Our Star Families Are Helping Us To Navigate the Changes

  • Isis Indriya — Communing with the Oracle Within

  • Jocelyn Star Feather — The Power of Astrology to Answer Your Most Esoteric Questions

  • Daniel Giamario — How Shamanic Astrology Guides You to Align with Your Life Purpose

  • Pam Montgomery — How Plants are Guiding Our Spiritual Evolution

  • Eimear Stassin — Brigid’s Flame: Resurrecting the Divine Spark Within

  • Dr. John Ryan — Starseeds, Star Families, and Master Teacher Guidance for Our Next Stages of Ascension

  • Taylor Shuler — Tired to Thriving: Astrology for Living Your Dream with Taylor Shuler

  • And many more!

My interview is airing NOW, on the topic: Channeling, Consciousness, Star Beings, and Timelines with Daniel Scranton – Sacred Planet Podcast – Click here to watch it today!

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this email to others who may be interested in watching or listening to this groundbreaking podcast ✨✨✨

Thanks! I love you <3



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