We Are Creators


We Are Creators

Stepping Into Your Creator Role

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to introduce you to an expanded way to think of your life and your innate ability to create. As you read, I invite you to intentionally filter the voice of your naysayer ego and tune into your heart’s wisdom. Your heart knows truth.

I share this with you now because we and our world are at a difficult crossroads of change. Life as we know it on Earth is transforming at lightning speed. To move through these times and help each other, we Divine Changemakers are being asked to shift our mindset from linear to quantum. We must go beyond what we were taught, beyond what we have been conditioned to believe is possible.


For thousands of years on Earth, we humans were conditioned to believe that we were powerless. For those who rose to power within society, the typical fuel behind their rise was ego power, not divine power. Ego power involves power over others and control of others. The energy of divine power is genuine and light-filled. There is no agenda with divine power, for those who express it are connected to their inner selves rooted in love.

We Are Creators

We Divine Changemakers came into this life with a destiny to remember our creator role. Before we were born, we as souls prepared for this. We brought seeds of this destiny with us. Depending on our personal life journey and our birth astrology, our unique path of remembering and evolving was laid out.

In these moments of accelerated mega change, the process of our remembering has quickened. In tandem with this, the universe is nudging us to step more fully into our creator role and accept it.

The main roadblock is our ego which insists on the status quo. This unevolved part of us focuses on the world’s dysfunction, judging it as bad and to be feared. We can get so caught up in frustration and anger over the state of our broken world, that we forget our true power to create.

Our ego is afraid to go forward, and will try to convince us that we are powerless in our personal lives and in transforming the world around us.

When we connect with our higher awareness, and allow it to guide us, we can drop the fear and become open to experimenting with new ideas and endeavors. This accelerates our transformation and our ability to embrace our creator role.

How Understanding Your Astrology Changes Your Destiny

A key way to progress and embrace your creator role this lifetime is through an understanding of your astrology. Your personal birth chart is an energy map of your potentials for this life. The earlier in life you understand these, the more quickly you will evolve and have the ability to change your destiny. We do annual solar returns and transit sessions, too, giving you an expanded and current roadmap to your life and possibilities.

Your birth chart shows your strengths, beneficial qualities, and things you could be skilled at contributing to the world. Your astrology reveals abilities – some from past lives – that as you develop them – can help you, others, and society at large. It shows potential challenges, along with possible ways to navigate them and learn from them.

You are born with gifts, spiritual qualities, and abilities unique to your life path. Learning about these helps you to offset challenges. Obstacles in your path, when you face them and overcome them, deepen you and accelerate your evolution.

If you’re having obstacles in these moments – as most of us are – remember what I say above. From my perspective, the obstacles are our blessing. They show us the way forward that leads back to our divine selves who are here to transform and serve.

Next Up

I’m excited about this year’s Cosmic Connections meditationdescribed more below. I started offering these annually to help you expand your view of who you are and your roots in the stars! You won’t want to miss this experiential meditation in July! Join us by registering now!

For More Energetic Support 

Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.

Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds.

If you participate in my Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” course, I suggest working this month with our tools (e.g. Relationship Window and ReInvention).

Not yet in our “ReAnchor” course described more below? Join HERE.

Coming in July: ReAnchor Yourself Reset

My Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself” course July Reset is scheduled for July 9-15. Open to all registered in the course described more below. Resets are a hands-on way to become more familiar and practiced with course materials. The Reset is recorded so you have an ongoing resource for navigating your path and receiving life insights. Reset registration here.

Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful.

Thank you for being a part of my life journey in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support!

May love and success be yours,



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