The Promise of Ascension: the Evolution of Form


Hello Beautiful  ~

I am amazed by how quickly the past few months seem to have flowed. If you’ve been FEELING the solar energies and the subtle but significant presence of HIGHER LIGHT in our world…all I can say is: me too!

I am writing today to invite you to a Multidimensional SOLSTICE Gathering, and to share some beautiful channeled messages that have come through this week…

For the past couple of months, I’ve really felt the SOLAR INFUSIONS we’ve been experiencing and the unmeasurable energies expanding and increasing in frequency. My clear guidance has been to lay low… Even though, I have a very long to-do list, that keeps increasing.

My inner knowing was to cultivate alignment and take it easy. Slow down. Relax, tune in, meditate and channel. And so I’ve followed my knowing even though at times, I wasn’t sure what was happening… I’ve done this despite how other people might perceive me, my choices, or what I’m doing or what I’m not doing.

I’ve done this, because I’m living in joyful surrender to the evolution of my being. I’ve come to a point where being in alignment, continually returning to states of inner harmony with All That I Am, and ALLOWING the Divine Flow within me, is the top priority. That and supporting my body as it integrates and evolves…

I know many of you are participating in a similar way. I feel and sense you on the inner planes and I celebrate with you what is emerging!

The Promise of Ascension is the EVOLUTION of ALL LIFE. And although we’ve felt it, on the inner planes for a long while, and are aware of our own changes, the messages I’ve received in the past few weeks speak to what I’ve been feeling on the inner planes when I meditate and articulate more clearly, the joyful shift that has occurred and is continuing…

The Evolution of Form
is the first blog post/message I’ve received on this. The first message came through as part of the Conscious Evolution program — Becoming the Divine Self.

Bask in the Rising Light
is the message I received this morning, inviting us to a Multidimensional SOLSTICE EVENT and expanding upon the earlier message about the changes in our world.

I suggest you read both of them, in the order they are shared and bring your inner discernment and knowing to the experience.

And if you’re inclined to share about your own experiences of late, I’m always happy to hear from you.

Our LIVE, Multidimensional Solstice Event is next Wednesday, June 21 at 12:30 PM Pacific Time. This will also recorded — so you may register and listen later, using the audio recording. You’re free to join at whatever time works best for you!

We’d love for you to join us and contribute the beautiful and unique energies of YOUR PRESENCE.

You can find all details and register here:

I am SO happy to connect with you!
Sending you much love and appreciation,


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