21 Days of Healing is Back!


Hi my friend,

We’ve recently moved through some of the most challenging years, and things are only intensifying.

For many of us, it has taken a lot to muster up the strength to navigate through it all with grace, while still being the rock for others.

Yet, everything is happening to help us evolve and grow our capacity to move beyond the limiting barriers that used to hold us back from living our lives to the fullest.

Our role now personally and collectively is to heal.

Not only are we healing ourselves, we are also creating the space for all of our ancestors that came before us to heal.

Yet, as much healing that occurs in doing, taking charge and giving, healing equally occurs in receiving, recharging and just being.

For complete healing to occur, it’s important for us to receive just as much as we give.

To help you recharge and receive during these intense times, I’m teaming up with my dear friend and Soul brother Ziad Hashash to co-facilitate 21 Days of Healing beginning on the Solstice, June 21st and continuing through July 11th.

These 21 Days are powerful and highly energized. Those who have taken this journey with us before, know about the rapid shifts, healing and growth that take place during this time.


If you are ready to feel a more palpable sense of love, reclaim a renewed level of personal power and step into a new timeline of growth, renewal, and expansion, then Ziad and I would be honored to support you.


For the duration of the 21 Days of Healing, you will receive:


Daily healing energy sent to you remotely + a review of everything we worked on that day.


Two Zoom group healing sessions that include Q&A and 1 on 1 support, (a recording will be provided.)


Extra support, spiritual guidance and updates in our Private Healing Community.


And so much more!


The intention is for you to sit back, and allow yourselves to receive unwavering healing support in a way that helps you feel rejuvenated, expanded and liberated in every way!


We are offering this 21 Day of Healing journey via sliding scale, to ensure everyone who desires to be part of it, can do so with ease.


This special offer ends at midnight on Sunday, June 18th


With gratitude,




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