Love The Earth Meditation This Weekend with Selacia

Love The Earth Meditation with Selacia

Attend April 22 Global Meditation on Earth Day

Hello friends,

I’m looking forward to this weekend, sharing with you today’s Love The Earth Global Meditation taking place on Earth Day!

Get Resourced

Earth Day comes on the heels of this week’s powerful solar eclipse in Aries. We sensitives feel these energies in tangible ways. As I wrote about earlier this week, the eclipse is bringing an energy turning point for each of us and our world.

Your higher awareness has been preparing you for this turning point moment. Most likely, new life insights are beginning to show up in your dreams or as you engage with others. The feeling of mega change is in the air!

To have our ‘Love the Earth’ meditation this weekend is auspicious. As we gather together on zoom (or listen to the recording later), you will connect with brand-new insights about your life. This includes relationships, your work in the world, and your personal role in creating a more loving world.

Our combined energy in the global meditation – accompanied by a crystal-grid link-up – will amplify beneficial effects. For you personally, don’t be surprised if during the meditation you receive an answer or resolution for something that helps your personal rebirth process.

Join us for today’s ‘Love The Earth Meditation’ by registering now. Have a friend you sense could benefit? Please forward this email or send them to my website.

I also invite you to register for my ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth course – now evergreen. If you’re already in the course, please refer a friend! In my ReAnchor Yourself course, you receive potent tools and my guided audio processes to help you do deep dives for self-understanding and ongoing spiritual transformation. As part of the course, you receive practical tools to connect with your inner wisdom and live your truth.

Feel free to email me for more information, and to let me know your feedback. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and being a part of my journey this lifetime!

May love and success be yours,



* All Rights Reserved *

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April 22 Love The Earth Meditation

  • Held on Earth day celebrated worldwide to focus on caring for the Earth
  • Participate in a powerful planetary healing related to loving the Earth
  • Co-create healing for humanity and the planet during a global healing process that includes a crystal-grid link-up to amplify beneficial effects
  • Receive targeted life insights and guidance
  • Experience joy as you interact with energetic forms of dolphins and whales
  • Understand your personal role in creating a more loving world
  • Benefit from Selacia’s signature “Fire Activation Process” that will help you manage volatile emotions
  •  Join with others across the world on zoom before we start and at the end – building bonds and connection with others on a spiritual path


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