New Video: Healing for Relationships 💜


Greetings, Beautiful Light Being!

In the survey I sent out last week, I asked what you really wanted in terms of finances, health, and relationships —

And so, there’s a new Abundant Living Podcast just out today, on Energy Healing for Your Relationships.

Of course one video can’t answers all issues completely, but it can give you an energy lift, a bit of encouragement, and support!

Abundant Living Podcast: Energy Healing 💜 for Your Relationships – Ep 11


Relax and receive as the Collective and your Spirit team offer:

  • Energy work to create a new, more fulfilling relationships with friends and family
  • Release of old family patterns, stuck beliefs, and old mental programming
  • A Tarot Card reading, and more

More info on shifts in the Abundant Living Program soon —

This work is centered on dissolving old issues, while birthing your dreams into reality.


Much Love & Light,


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