Dear Friends,
The month of March was a real turning point in our journey to create Heaven on Earth. April and May will allow us to continue to expand on this energy as we move towards the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal and the Full Moon in Scorpio and Eclipse on the 5th of May.
As we know, the 5/5 Portal is the 7th Point of Light in the Sacred Year, as we move towards the June Solstice (Point no 8) and then the renewal point at the Lions Gate 8/8 on the 8th August. The Taurus Gate transits that part of the heavens that includes Sirius, the Pleiades and Aldebaran. It also includes the Aldebaran Star Garden, which was the original Garden of Eden.
At this time of Spring for those of you in the North (and Autumn in the South) this transit allows us to activate the Emerald Heart which is that aspect of the Sacred Heart that works with the Evolution and Transformation of the Planet and all Living Beings on Earth. It also allows us to absorb and integrate the Emerald Light Codes that shape the adventure and our journey forward.
You are invited to join myself, Archangel Michael and the New Earth Soul Community for a 5-part online Ascension Webinar series called the “2023 Taurus Gate Ascension Series: Bringing Heaven to Earth and the Adventure of the Emerald Heart”. It will be an awesome adventure as we journey together into the Portal and the New Earth which is “Heaven on Earth”. |
I am also happy to offer 10 Private Sessions or Mentorships Sessions in April. In these sessions, I will work with you on a one-on-one basis to assist you to connect with your Higher Self/ Soul and find your way forward under the guidance of Archangel Michael.
If you would like to learn more and book a session, please click here: Find out more about the Private Sessions & Mentorships I offer |
I am looking forward to the Adventure of the Emerald Heart in creating New Earth, and sharing it with you in April and May.
With love and blessings, Celia |