Come Back to Love

Come Back to Love

Remembering Who We Are

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to highlight key things essential to understand as we strive to live our best lives and create a more loving and peaceful world. Continue reading for a big-picture, higher-view approach to navigating these times of great change.


If you look at the news, humanity’s future may appear bleak. War, tribalism, and ideological division get the headlines. Nature reminds us daily of the peril we face because we humans lost our innate connection with the natural world that sustains us.

The 2020s will be remembered as times of great unrest and societal hatred. This is not because humans can’t get along or because hatred is an innate part of human nature. The catalyst involves energetic forces that are bringing to light massive global changes needed for a long time. I wrote about this in my book Earth’s Pivotal Years.

Pluto – Death & Rebirth

Pluto, known in astrology for death and rebirth, is one of the key energetic forces catalyzing a revolution in how we see ourselves and how we live together. Pluto has both a societal impact and a very personal one – for this planet impacts everyone.

Students in my “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” Divine Changemakers course are learning how to use the power of the planet Pluto to live their truth and transform their lives. Starting with my most recent Divine Changemakers course, I began including astrology as a tool for increased self-awareness and navigating life.

5 Things to Know

  1. We have a conditioned human tendency to forget who we are. This includes why we were born again now, and past life connections with people in our lives again now.
  2. We typically don’t learn unconditional love – our caretakers didn’t learn it either, so they couldn’t teach us.
  3. We often discount the importance of connection with others. Indeed, connection is as vital to our life force as breathing.
  4. We are born with love – it naturally exists deep within our core.
  5. We have a human need to give and receive love – this is just as important to our survival as food.


I suggest that you daily remind yourself to look beyond the headlines and spend time going within to access your inner wisdom. Remember: you are alive now by purposeful design – orchestrated by your soul!

If you aren’t already participating in my monthly meditations and Divine Changemakers courses, consider joining me for guided support.

For More Energetic Support 

Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.

Students in my Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” course – now evergreen – are receiving hands-on guided experience with embodying their authentic selves and tapping their vast inner wellspring of wisdom and creativity. They learn to connect the dots regarding current situations and soul lessons being activated in these times of mega change.

Coming up Saturday February 18 is my annual “Spiritual Heart Activation” Zoom Global Meditation! This will help you heal wounds of the heart that obscures your true nature – which is caring, compassionate, and divine! Join in a powerful planetary healing to transform our world into one based on love. 

Don’t miss it by registering now!

Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know if a certain article or process has been helpful.

Thank you for being a part of my life in these auspicious times, and for your ongoing support!

May love and success be yours,



* All Rights Reserved *

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Spiritual Heart Activation Feb 18 Meditation

  • Heal wounds of your heart that obscure your true nature – which is caring, compassionate and divine
  • Receive a spiritual heart activation that reconnects your high heart with your mind and body
  • Participate in a powerful planetary healing to transform our world into one based on love
  • Feel inspired and prepared to face challenges and make a difference in the world
  • Receive targeted life insights and guidance
  • Benefit from Selacia’s signature “Fire Activation Process” that will help you manage volatile emotions
  • Join with others across the world on zoom before we start and at the end – building bonds & connection with others on a spiritual path

Divine Changemakers 2022 Course

ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth

Now Evergreen & Open to All 

This is Selacia’s annual 4-week Divine Changemakers Course – designed to be timely and relevant to these unprecedented moments of planetary change.

Not yet registered? Join anytime for life-changing tools outlined below. This course is the prerequisite for 2 ReAnchor Yourself Course Resets in January & July 2023.

  • Receive practical tools to ReAnchor yourself during uncertainty and chaos
  • Be a part of a global series with other Divine Changemakers across the world
  • Learn to get in touch with and express your truth
  • Tap your vast inner resources of wisdom & creativity
  • Receive weekly audio recordings of key course processes
  • Learn to use astrology to better navigate life

Week 1: Personal & Spiritual

Week 2: Abundance – Money & Situations

Week 3: Life Purpose & Work

Week 4: Relationships & Love

  • 5 carefully curated emails each week based on the theme of the week
  • 8 x 15min Audio Processes for embodying your authentic self
  • 4 x 90min Audio Presentations for discovering how to bring the light of your soul into manifestation
Selacia MJB events


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