Your Keys To The Great Awakening (Free Online Event)


Sweet Beings of Light-

Can you feel it?!

We are in the time of the Great Awakening… AND the energies are tremendously supportive of us in 2023. 

If you are reading this, YOU are one of the leaders & guides here to assist humanity in this evolution (even if you are not yet conscious of this). 

Which is why I am so excited to share with you…

EVOLVE ~ Rise To Your Next Divine Level

Join Tanya Penny, Intuitive Guide & Divine Channel, and some of the top transformation coaches, healers, and leaders (including ME!) for this powerful online event happening February 4 – 12, 2023.

Receive wisdom, tools, and practices to support the acceleration & amplification of your personal evolution…with more ease, grace, joy, and speed!

Sign-up today and get started with your EVOLVE Bonus!

Don’t miss this online event if you’d like to:

  • Remember the POWERFUL Soul & Co-Creator that you are

  • Awaken your intuition and your DIVINE gifts & abilities

  • Embody how loved & SUPPORTED you are by the whole universe

  • Transcend your limits & illusions to receive more LOVE in all forms

  • Discover your Soul’s PURPOSE & fully live it

  • Learn how to raise your vibration, channel, and use psychedelics to HEAL & evolve

  • PLUS sooooo much more . . .

Join me for this powerful online event @

I look forward to supporting you to rise your next DIVINE level!

P.S.  Please share this important EVOLVE event with your friends, family, and coworkers by forwarding this email. Every person on the planet is here to awaken.

I love you,



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