A New Abundance Message to Light Bringers 🌟


Greetings, Abundant One!

First off, the print version of Messages from the Spirits of Abundance is now available for preorder, yahoo!

And also, have a look at some of the questions sent in for the book — they’re powerfully relevant now:

  • How can I create a consistent flow of abundance from multiple sources? 
  • If millions of people are praying and asking for rain in a drought-stricken area, why doesn’t it work?
  • Money, Why is it so hard for good, kind people to draw you in at times, when you flow in so easily other ti
  • I have commanded myself to revise any soul contract for lack to one of abundance, visualized winning money, entered many lotteries, spoken my will to win, visualized sharing abundance with many, said affirmations daily — for 13 years — despite not attaining abundance. What do you have to say on this? 
  • Money, what is your take on this very deep conditioning, that “you have to work hard,” or that “you have to be very strategic financially”?
  • Siblings are usually raised with the same beliefs concerning abundance or lack, but their results in adult life can be completely different. Why is it that some are quite needy, while others end up rich? 

And today’s excerpt answers a question a Light Bringer sent in, that Wow — I think we can all relate to!
How do I move from a survival-based persona to one that thrives, and finds happiness—or at least peace?

Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, and Fortuna, goddess of fortune, answer powerfully! See below

One of the things that early reviewers have loved about this book, is that the Spirits of Abundance do not judge or criticize us. 

They just help us open our eyes to things we’ve sometimes overlooked as we were living out our survival-of-the-fittest training — which, because it’s based on fear, actually repels money and other Abundance.

So have a look below, at the excerpt from Chapter 9, “On Moving from Surviving to Thriving” and see if any of it resonates!

Even if you don’t buy the book, I hope you’ve enjoyed these excerpts, and thank you for your support of this work!

Sending huge blessings in these Transformative times, my friend! 

P S  Take advantage of special lower pricing and some lovely bonuses when you preorder the Kindle or print version of the book! See below  . . . 

Available for Preorder – Print or Kindle


Encouraging higher guidance channeled from the Spirits of True Wealth

Each chapter of Messages begins with a question, sent in by Lightworkers all over the world, calling for practical guidance and higher insights on creating the kind of wealth consciousness that releases the money worries and feelings of unworthiness humanity has suffered from for thousands of years.

The Spirits of Abundance and Prosperity then answer, inviting us to join them on an illuminating journey into how money and other Abundance can flow to us with Joy, including: 

  • The Spirit of Money’s guidance on relaxing in order to receive, and how the Divine Feminine is healing humanity’s wounded Masculine, “hard work” beliefs
  • The Spirit of Abundance’s simple method for connecting our energies to the constant flow of Divine Abundance
  • Abundance goddesses Lakshmi and Fortuna’s insights on how to thrive in life, and not just “get by”
  • The Lord of Gold’s wisdom on how we can heal and empower our souls to release trauma imprints, and reintegrate soul fragments
  • Empowering insights from the Collective on co-Creating what we desire


Tap into the portals to Abundance that are right inside your spirit. 



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