Hello, My Friend –
Today I’m sharing another excerpt from the new book, Messages from the Spirits of Abundance, available for Preorder on Kindle — print version available for order in a day or two!
With all the intense things happening in the world now, and so many appearing to be in need, the question asked by a Light Bringer in this chapter is a very relevant!
I’m asking for more money so I can help those in need, as well as myself — so why hasn’t it come to me?
Fortuna, goddess of Fortune and Wealth, offers an intriguing and beautifully to-the-point answer!
Her wisdom runs well against the training of the organized Church and other world religions, which teach that in order to progress spiritually — to be a worthy person — you must always serve others before yourself.
So liberating to hear that you and I are as worthy as anyone — as worthy as the greatest Mother Theresa figure, and as worthy as the biggest trillionaire out there.
That’s a relief, for those of us raised with “It is better to give than to receive.” We can finally see through the old deceptions, and to help to dismantle the old machinery of suppression of our natural wealth vibration.
The beautiful higher energies that Fortuna shares are specifically aimed to help us wake up from the old hypnosis.
So have a look at the excerpt below, from Chapter 6 – “On Bringing Through the Abundance That is Being Withheld,” and see if any of that resonates! It helped me a great deal, and it might give you a lift as well.
With so much Love,
P S If you’re open to receiving some potent energy work, have a look at the recent interview I did with Master Tracker and Energy Healer Bonnie Serratore — it’s now on YouTube!
P P S If you’re interested in the new book, take advantage of special lower pricing, and some lovely bonuses, now through Monday night. See below . . .
The new book supports our Abundance journey with loving guidance . . .
Encouraging higher guidance channeled from the Spirits of True Wealth
Each chapter of Messages begins with a powerfully relevant question, sent in by Lightworkers all over the world, calling for practical guidance and higher insights on creating the kind of wealth consciousness that releases the worry and feelings of unworthiness humanity has suffered from for thousands of years.
The Spirits of Abundance and Prosperity then answer, inviting us to join them on an illuminating journey into how money and other Abundance can flow to us as we reclaim our co-Creator selves, including:
- The Spirit of Money’s guidance on relaxing in order to receive, and how the Divine Feminine is healing humanity’s wounded Masculine, “hard work” beliefs
- The Spirit of Abundance’s simple method for connecting our energies to the constant flow of Divine Abundance
- Abundance goddesses Lakshmi and Fortuna’s insights on how to thrive in life, and not just “get by”
- The Lord of Gold’s wisdom on how we can heal and empower our souls to release trauma imprints, and reintegrate soul fragments
- Empowering insights on co-Creation from the group of higher beings known as the Collective
Tap into the portals to Abundance that are right inside your spirit.