Council of Love Monday Letter


Don’t Miss the Divine Mother’s New Year’s Message

During the Winter Solstice COL webinar on Dec. 21, we received so much information about the conjunction and Gaia jumping to a new time wave of existence. Of course, this means all of us are along for the ride as we switch time tracks! And my friends, the train has left the station!

As Yeshua Has shared that day: “Reset applies to each and every one of you. I know. So, do not be surprised if you find yourself thinking, wanting, progressing differently because you are in a different place, you are on a different wave. In this wave, let me explain, this time wave, of course changes some basic physics of your reality. Within this new and different timeline, sound, light, space, materiality also change.”

This is a huge part of the Shift that we have all been waiting for. The webinar was intense, thick, and deep and really should be viewed and digested time and time again. It’s a lot to take in – Einstein has been very busy!

If you missed the live event, you can still watch it and partake not only in the incredible information from the Divine Mother, from Gaia / Archangel Gi’Anna, Archangel Uriel and our beloved Yeshua with his Christmas Message, but the phenomenal energy transmissions. Click here to order it!

This expansion of our fundamental construct of how things work is a game changer! If you were registered for the webinar, the replay is part of your package, so please go back and listen as we move into this beautiful new reality of 2023.

Meanwhile, coming up we will open our hearts and receive the Divine Mother’s New Year’s Message, this comingSaturday, Jan. 7 at 11 AM Eastern. This monthly event is free and I know you really want to hear, feel and experience what 2023 has in store for us.

To participate live, all you have to do is register so we can send you the Zoom link. It will also entitle you to the monthly COL Heart Calls throughout the year!

Happy New Year my friends. May 2023 be filled with joy, perfect health, abundance of every kind and big love for you and everybody you care about!

xxix Linda


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