A New Message to Lightworkers 💜


Greetings, Beautiful Being!

Many Yuletide and Winter Solstice Blessings to you and yours!

In today’s Message, the Collective speak on changes to how Time and physicality function on Earth now, and about our remembering our higher dimensional abilities:

“At this moment, that you are traveling through a field of Light that is unprecedented both for your galaxy and for your planet.

And so, be aware of certain shifts occurring that you may not be expecting.

For one, Time will appear to move far more slowly and far more quickly some days than you have experienced on the Earth plane previously.

There were times in your distant past, such as in Lemuria or Atlantis or other great civilizations, that you could work with Time via mental projection, so as to extend, slow, or hasten the movement of minutes and hours per your preference.

Now these times are returning, though not with your complete awareness as of yet.

What you are experiencing also are waves of energies that are revealing aspects of your psyche at a very deep level, such as you have not had experience of for many thousands of years . . . 

Go here to read the full Message, which again offer energies of Peaceful reassurance, supporting us in the Transformation we’re called to now.

Amazing times! And things can only get more Light-filled from here on.

Sending much Love,

P S ​​ Channeling sessions are still deeply discounted, now through Friday, December 23.

So if you feel that’s right for you now, just go here to book your session. The Collective and I are honored to work with you! 

P P S ​​ Is Winter Getting You Down? It’s time to Call Back the Light!

These long dark nights and chilly days can suck the happiness right out of you, unless you take measures to cultivate JOY. That’s where the magic comes in!

Let’s share our support and our magic, in a Yule ritual for the 2022 Winter Solstice 

Join Bernadette Wulf, teacher of Celtic mysticism, Faeries, and all things Magical, for:

“Calling Back the Light: A Winter Solstice – Yule Celebration!”​

Sunday, December 18, 2022

11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

Learn more and Sign Up Here: https://www.celticmysteryschool.com/yule-ritual/

No one turned away for lack of funds; full scholarships available. Just email Bernadette at wulfworks@yahoo.com.

P P P S  Join the Collective and me for the Hope Interfaith Center’s5th virtual Star Gathering, “Letters of Information to the Starseeds.”

We’re gathering online December 16, 17 and 18 for profound energy healings, life-shifting meditations, Tapping, channeled messages from Light Beings, and more. 

Attend just a few sessions, or all of them over the three days. 

The wonderful presenters include: Navajo shaman Garret Duncan, energy healer Maia Nartoomid, psychic and energy healer Dave Barnett, spiritual teachers Kari Chapman & Rev. Hope Gorman, and the Collective.

Go here to register — I look forward to seeing you there!


A Special Note:

Chris Banks is a wonderful friend to many of us, an awake & aware Light Bringer, and the son of White Knights of the Ashtar Command, Tara Green and Rama Berkowitz.

Chris injured his knee badly a number of months ago, when his bike malfunctioned and he fell onto the street full force, onto his knees.
Then a couple of months ago, a man opened his car door into Chris as he was cycling past, and he badly injured one of his knees again.

Chris is only now able to get back to part-time work as a house painter. He still can’t work full-time. He is already in low-income housing, and is behind in his rent, though donations have helped tremendously.
The GoFundMe campaign for him is here. Donations of any amount are hugely appreciated! 
Please also Share on Facebook and anywhere else you can think of. Chris sends great, heartfelt Thanks! 


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