Happy 11-11 Miracles!


Hi my friend,

Happy 11-11!


Every year on this exact date, a cosmic alignment occurs that helps create a quantum leap of growth and expansion in the consciousness of humanity. 


To honor the energy that this day brings to our world, many people from all walks of life will unite their hearts and minds through intention, prayer, and meditation.


To connect with the unified field of peace, love, and healing, all that’s asked of us is to spend a few moments in meditation and gratitude.


On this special day, many people will meditate at 1:11 am, 11:11 am, 1:11 pm, and 11:11 pm at their local times, to keep the flow of energy moving throughout the day.


However, we can connect at any time we feel guided to.


That being said, it’s clear that we are moving through some of the most extraordinary times in human history.

Although on the surface we are witnessing a great deal of turbulence and uncertainty in the world, something far greater is emerging that is helping to elevate the consciousness of every living being, including Mother Earth herself.

The collective leap in consciousness we are all experiencing is paving the way for the next Golden Age—the emergence of a world that works to create a cohesive connection between nature and every citizen on the planet.

As the current awakening process continues, it is bringing up and highlighting many of the dysfunctional patterns, behaviors, and habits we have all been consciously and unconsciously partaking in for a very long time.

These patterns are coming to the surface to be addressed, healed, and resolved, so that they no longer have the power to separate, control, and influence humanity in the ways they have up to this point.

The tremendous changes taking place now are giving us the opportunity for tremendous expansion on our journey of awakening. This is why my dear Soul brother Ziad and I are grateful to be able to open up our healing community to you.

Our community, Club Miracles, is what Ziad and I pour most of our time, energy, and hearts into every week.

For the past 15 years, our miracle community has grown to support many friends from all around the world in their wellness, healing, and personal growth journey.

With a little extra support and community, it becomes much easier to open up and receive the blessings the Universe has available for us.

The intention of Club Miracles:


To create a safe, loving, healing space that gently reconnects people to the wholeness, and magnificence of who they are in a way that brings them more peace, connection, love, joy, vibrant well-being, and abundance.

We offer this through on-going support that include:


  • Four 1-hour remote monthly healing sessions
  • One monthly live group healing call
  • Quarterly Zoom healing and teaching gatherings
  • Daily prayer and visioning support
  • Private access to the supportive community
  • Healing audio gifts and bonuses
  • Discounts on private 1-on-1 sessions, store products and live events
  • And so much more!

If you are an extrovert, and love being part of a community, this is for you!

If you are more of an introvert, and prefer to just sit back and receive healing support—this is also for you!

Either way, you can go at your own pace, and will be supported every step of the way.

If you are not able to make any of the live sessions, recordings are available so you can access the healing when it aligns best for you.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to see if this beautiful online community is in alignment with your path.

Let’s Co-Create Miracles!

Our Club Miracles community will be open to new members from now through Sunday, December 4th.

If you have any questions about the community, reply and I’ll be happy to answer them for you.

With so much love,





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