New Video: Embody Your Transformation 🌞


Hello My Friend –

Time for another new video, as the Collective speak on embodying the Transformation we seek:

Starseeds: Embody Your Transformation 🗝 Power of Transmutation

This is not only Election Day for midterms in the US. It’s also the apex of the powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse energies. 

So as we request and require fair and balanced elections in the US, we also realize we’re in a portal leading us to higher energetic levels and life outcomes that previous generations could only dream of.

The Collective’s latest video offers energy work and visualization for this. I offer a personal word at the end, about how much the energies of Transformation have lifted my own life experience out of lack of fulfillment and confusion to beautiful new heights.

(Go here for the transcript.)

We’re ready to walk the path — in Joy this time, not struggle. Time to claim ownership of our dreams and visions!

This is the kind of thing we tackle every week in The Abundant Living program (formerly The Abundance Group)and on Thursday, I’m going to open the doors for new members to join.

The channeled wisdom and energy work that members receive have been answering their questions not only about finances, but about every part of their path — health and well-being, relationships, work, life purpose, their Earth mission, Ascension, becoming their higher selves . . . 

The relaunch will offer special lower pricing and wonderful bonuses, for those who wish to join between this Thursday, November 10 and 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Monday night, November 14.

Each level of membership — Silver, Gold, and Platinum — offers personalized assistance for your path via energy work, channeled answers, and energy-embedded MP3s and ebooks.

Those questions you don’t know how to answer, the stuck places you can’t budge, the unanswered issues and density that have followed you in countless Earth lives — this is what we heal and unravel in the Abundant Living group!

With the right support, we can release struggle and move into Joy and fulfillment.

More about that on the Abundant Living podcast Wednesday evening, and in my email on Thursday — till then, enjoy the video!

Sending much Love, 

P S  Even if you prefer not to become a subscribing member, thank you for your support of the Collective’s messages and energy work.

And please do join us for the Abundant Living podcast every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month on my YouTube channel — the YouTube Live broadcast happens at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern. Or just watch the video after it posts on my channel the next day. 

Every journey I take with all of you is a beautiful gift to me, to the Collective, to our whole community.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your beautiful path of growth and inner healing.

As the Collective always say, “We are honored to assist!”

What people are saying about Abundant Living Membership . . . 

“I cannot adequately express my deep Appreciation and immense Gratitude to Caroline and her Team.

I consider it an absolute Blessing and saving Grace to be in the energy of the Gold group.

Every session is filled with Healing Energy, and I cannot say enough about Caroline’s generosity sharing her incredible Gifts during the Q&A calls. 

It feels as if I AM personally receiving a direct healing as she is working on each member of the Group individually.

This is an incredible group of people who I feel a special connection to, whether I AM able to be live on the call or listen to the replay. 

This is a safe, Sacred space where you are free to express vulnerability and nothing is off limits.

Thank you, Caroline, for your Dedication and Devotion to our Ascension. You are truly a Blessing in my Life!”

Wilma, Gold Member, Canada

“The Abundance Group has been a lighthouse in a storm for me, providing much-needed guidance and valuable real-world tools. ​

“Caroline and the Collective have consistently provided me with “spot on,” loving guidance from the higher realms.

They have helped me accelerate my growth exponentially with compassionate weekly guidance delivered right to my soul, bringing greater clarity and understanding to many difficult situations.

I wait with bated breath to learn what feedback I will receive each week for my highest and best good. Becoming a Gold Member was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. What a gift! 

I am forever grateful.”

Rebecca, Gold Member, Naples, Italy

“Years ago, when I first discovered The Abundance Group and Caroline Oceana Ryan, I was thrilled with the depth of Love expressed by the Collective, through Caroline.

I have received so much comfort and amazing clarity about personal, global, and galactic events over the years.

I’ve made steady progress in my spiritual life and received ongoing Abundance as a result!

One of the most wonderful things about the Abundance Group is the interaction between members and with Caroline herself. Caroline reads everything we share with her, and to top it off — I can write to her, and she will answer me personally! 

I am, and will always be, forever grateful for the invaluable work of the Abundance Group and Caroline Oceana Ryan.”

Jeanne, Silver Member, Washington


“You are offering tremendous value with this Members group, and I love the work you are doing. It has been amazing spending time with this group over the last 2 years plus. ​

I feel incredibly blessed to be able to gain clarity on so many subjects, asking questions of a Collective who have a higher perspective on things. 

I highly recommend, as well as all the wonderful books that Caroline and the Collective have co-created these past years, as a wonderful outlet of inspiration and empowerment.”

Harry, Silver Member, Canada


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