💫 Starting on November 10th! 💫 The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event: Illuminating Our Understanding of These Unprecedented Times


Sweet Beings of Light-

As we approach the end of 2022 and stand at the brink of 2023, have you been wondering …

  • What is coming in the next few years, as we move forward in times of radical change?
  • How can we best prepare for the future?
  • How can we take the events of 2020 | 2021 | 2022, learn from them, and use these lessons to inform our next decisions & actions?
  • How can we develop deep reservoirs of courage and resilience within ourselves, so we have the capacity to build the brighter, healthier, and more vibrant world that we have been longing for?

I’m delighted to announce that an upcoming event is here which will answer these questions, and many more!

You are invited to attend this truly groundbreaking conference, starting on November 10th. It’s called:

🔥 The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event 🔥

Illuminating Our Understanding of These Unprecedented Times

LIVE Global Conference from November 10-14, 2022

Click here to join now (free)!

My dear friend and colleague, Jocelyn Star Feather, created The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event where speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds, expertise, and modalities will share what they see coming for the next 3 years, and beyond.

This gathering will bring together Astrology, Wisdom Transmissions, Ecological Perspectives, Indigenous Prophecies, the Knowledge Written & Encoded in our Sacred Sites, and much more … To provide YOU with an in-depth understanding about what will occur during the massively crucial years of 2023, 2024, 2025, and beyond.

Together, we will explore what we can each do, and how to move forward with courage & resilience during catalyzing times.

And here’s something even more exciting: 

⭐ You’ll get to be part of the conversation! ⭐

We’ll meet via LIVE Broadcast each day from November 10-14, 2022.

You can ask our speakers your own questions, find out what’s coming next for our planet and the collective of humanity, revive & remember the messages of the ancient prophecies and legends that foretold this time, and begin to construct YOUR unique path into the future, together with our powerful community all around the world.

Our speakers will provide insights & suggestions for how you can navigate the upcoming years —

Which include catalyzing changes & opportunities beyond belief —

With joy, passion, resilience, courage, fulfillment, and abundance.

You will learn how to receive & benefit from this momentous time (rather than feeling knocked over by it!).

You will emerge from The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event with all of the tools & insights you need to work with the energetics and paradigm-shifting events of the years ahead, and be able to flow with the next-level changes that are coming our way.

You can attend this conference completely free. Simply click here to join us!

I can’t wait to see you there!

[your signature]

P.S. ~ Here is a sampling of the illuminating topics our speakers are presenting in The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event:

  • Six Converging Timelines at a Great Turning of the Ages ~ Daniel Giamario

  • Your Astrology Chart as a “Vision Map” ~ Suzanne Gerber

  • 4th Turning, 3rd Wave, & The 2nd Coming ~ Adam Sommer

  • Evidence of Things Not Seen ~ Dr. Tayria Ward

  • The Most Powerful, Positive, & Magnificent Astrological Transits of 2023, 2024, and 2025 ~ Jocelyn Star Feather

  • Natural Design for Thriving: Astrology & Permaculture ~ Taylor Shuler

  • Communing with the Oracle Within ~ Isis Indriya

  • Ascension & Future Days: Mystery, Magic, & Light ~ Dr. John Ryan

  • We Are Choosing Our Individual & Collective Timelines ~ Daniel Scranton

  • The Future is Now: 2023 & Beyond ~ Aeolian Heart

  • Why Unity Consciousness is Currently at the Cutting-Edge of Human Evolution ~ Dakini Kali

  • The New Era: Becoming a Digital Society ~ Getrude Matshe

  • Reclaiming Our Birthright as Co-Creative Partners with Nature ~ Pam Montgomery

  • Mother Earth’s Harmonic Song of Planetary Healing: Restore Yourself to Origin Life and Soul Love ~ Maleda Gebremedhin

  • The Initiatory Passage of Descent & Awakening ~ Kedar Brown

  • Wildness is Our Birthright! ~ Sky Otter (formerly Bill Pfeifer)

  • Meta Physical Fitness: Building Spiritual Muscle for Your Emerging Future ~ Simone Wright

  • And many more!

You definitely don’t want to miss this 💖

The Live Broadcast begins on November 10th, 2022.

Click here to register now.

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this email to others who may be interested in attending this groundbreaking event 🔥

Thanks! I love you <3



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