Ascension Update: U N V E I L I N G ✨


Hi!!! Amazing  ~

I AM SO thrilled to write and share with you, a new ascension update from Archangel Michael!

Partly I’m so elated, because of what it brings into focus. Which is INCREDIBLE.

And partly I’m overjoyed, because this message took me FOUR DAYS to fully receive!!! 😂

Why? Well, given the huge amount of Solar Activity lately as well as all the other energies — accelerating and increasing since the May Eclipse Cycle, all this together has created so much change on the inner planes, and brought us into a very new state of being…

And? If your experience is anything like mine, it may be taking some time to consciously understand and make sense of all that has been transformed.

And what that means for us now.

I am sure about one thing though. And today’s new channeling expounds on this:

The time that we were living in before, is over.

UNVEILING, is the name, or theme, that Archangel Michael gave to this new ascension update and to a new program which starts next week… a kind of hybrid Soar Fest + Equinox Program (with Live Q&A too). Fun!

Click to read this full transmission from Archangel Michael/Ascension Update, and get all the details for this new live channeled event-series!

I can’t wait for you to read this message. And I look forward to hearing if it resonates with you! I found it SO fulfilling and satisfying. Such a celebration!! … It feels like we need to have a party! A big celebration!

Because THIS is definitely worth partying over. Once I integrate all this solar activity, I’ll be READY for FUN!!! Ha ha. Okay… 🥳

I’ve been channeling a lot today. I’m feeling pure joy + SILLY!
Happy and over the moon about what we’re becoming and co-creating!

I went very quiet after the Lion’s Gate. And now I feel LIBERATED!!
And this new Hybrid Soar Fest + Equinox Program?

It feels Soooo DELICIOUS! Uplifting. Inspiring. NOURISHING.. I know we’ll be having guided inner adventures. Doing love-filled Collective LightWork. OPENING UP OUR NEW POWERS and? It feels like SWEETNESS. And SO so SO much empowering expansion, and connection, and reunions!! Conscious Reunions with our own Cosmic & Galactic Energies… TOGETHER, in a vast Angelic Field of LIGHT.


I can’t wait!!

I had a feeling big things were coming this year. And I think we’re just getting into the good stuff. It’s just starting to fill in. Within us and when we come together, in a field of Unity. It’s going to be MIGHTY FINE!!!!!

Ha ha!!!!! Feeling it. Love it!
Okay. That’s all for now.

Thank you for being here.
Thank you for going the distance. 
I think we’re going to start to receive and experience more and more of what we LOVE MOST now, while we continue to change, evolve, expand and refine and lighten up and bring the world forth into a new expression of LOVE.

So glad to be on this ride, with you! Thank you.

Blessings Friend~


P.S. YES. I AM feeling good. Really good. Like myself again. More on that another time, but I’ve been asked lately, by folks who joined in the Lion’s Gate Event and YES. I feel really really good (physically). At last! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me and sending me good vibes. I’m doing well and am so loving feeling good again!!


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