A September Worth Celebrating

A September Worth Celebrating

Marker Energies and Opportunities For You!

Hello friends,

I’m excited about September and being able to share with you some fruits of my deep dive these past months!

Just in time for Equinox and our change of seasons, there indeed is a lot to celebrate! This particular Equinox is one of the most powerful energy gateways we’ve had to date. 

Why? It’s like a cosmic nudge for self-discovery and accessing previously hidden insights that can help us to progress. 

Celebrate Equinox With Me 

At our September 17 Equinox Global Zoom Meditation, I’ll help you connect dots in your life and find a renewed sense of purpose as a Divine Changemaker. Being with us will be both a personal healing and your opportunity to participate in a global healing that uplifts consciousness.

Get Resourced During Mercury Retrograde 

September 9 is the beginning of Mercury Retrograde. I suggest using this time to go more deeply within yourself and to invite a knowing of new more productive ways to use your power in the world. In your meditations, contemplate brand-new directions for how you as a soul express your light.

Join Me For “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” Divine Changemakers Course

I’m thrilled to offer you my brand-new live 2022 Divine Changemakers Course! This year’s 4-week course, “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth,” begins September 18.  

Especially tailored to these unique times, this course will give you practical tools and essential support for navigating our unprecedented uncertainty and tapping immense opportunities available to you now. I can’t wait to share the brand-new, simple-to-digest format of this course. Will you join me?


Thank you for your support to date and for joining me on this amazing journey! 

May love and success be yours,



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Equinox Zoom Global Meditation

  • Held Sept 17 during powerful Equinox gateway of transformation
  • New starts energized
  • Illumination of information previously hidden
  • Focus on what needs balancing
  • Join with others across the world, sharing with them on zoom before we start and at the end – building bonds of connection with others like you on a spiritual path
  • Participate in a global healing that uplifts consciousness 
  • Connect dots in your life and find a renewed sense of purpose


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