How to embody & attract healthy Love  😍


Hello my Friend,

This might be you: You do a great job at work . . . you’re Loved by friends . . . you have a fulfilling life in a lot of ways.

Yet when it comes to Love and finding the right life partner, well — yikes! 

I hear you, my friend!

I used to live in a pattern where I would realize after weeks, months, or a year or more in a relationship that once again, I’d chosen the Wrong Partner, even though everything seemed great at first. 

If it weren’t for the advice of amazing people like Dr John Gray (author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Alison Armstrong, and Anna Runkle, I’m not sure I’d be where I am now —

Which is, Very clear on who I am, what I need, and how best to communicate that — and how to choose the right partner.

So I’m very happy to tell you about an upcoming free series I’m speaking in:
The Healthy Love Show
How to Get Ready Emotionally, Physically, &
Spiritually for Juicy, Connected Love


This free series is led by my wonderful friend Anastasia Frank, who knows what it’s like to be a strong, motivated woman who’s also a recovered ”mess in Love.”

She’s hand-curated this series to give you all the concrete practices and principles she (and I) wish we’d known 20 years ago, so you can save time and energy and be outrageously lucky in Love now. 

She’s interviewing top experts to teach you everything you need to create aligned, lasting Love. 

I know you might be thinking, “OK — I’ve seen other series on Love. What else is there to know?” 

This series is devoted entirely to naming and addressing the most common blind spots most of us have, that keep us off the path of creating a healthy, lasting Love.

It’s not that you haven’t wanted it badly enough. And I’m sure you’ve really significant work to clear the old energy patterns.

There are simply a few key areas of knowledge and embodied practices that most people don’t talk about — and those will powerfully close the gap between you and healthy Love. 

So hop on in to this powerhouse series now, so you don’t miss a thing! 


The Collective share their wisdom both in words and energies, along with other amazing experts. 

You deserve a Love that healthy and supportive of all you are, my friend!

This event may well be the missing piece to finally make that a reality, so Join Us!

Much Love & Light,


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