A Message to Light Bringers – July 29, 2022  🌟


Greetings, Friend!

I send Light to you and your loved ones, for Abundance, good health, and Peace of heart-mind in these amazing pre-NESARA times!

In this week’s video Message, the Collective lead us through a quick and easy way for us to pave the way energetically for NESARA’s announcement: 

[Full transcript here]

This Message is a quick revitalizer. As you watch the water flowing by, just breathe out, and release any stresses you’re dealing with now. 

NESARA is as real (and unfolding) as the breath in our bodies! 

[Please note: YouTube inserted Wikipedia disinformation under the video, as NESARA is Not something the old power structure wants us to know about.

For the real story about NESARA, please see my website, or the NESARA articles at www.RainbowRoundtable.net. Thank you!]

And a quick reminder to join us on 8-8 Lion’s Gate for:
Live Q&A with the Collective

Monday, August 8, 2022
5:30 PM Pacific / 8:30 PM Eastern (US & Canada)


So many are dealing with huge shifts and challenges now, in: 

  • Family or romantic relationships
  • Their job or business, or unemployment
  • Health and emotional well-being 
  • Receiving a steady flow of financial Abundance
  • Releasing old trauma and stuck emotions

As you ask a question in this small group channeling session, you will receive a channeled answer and focused energy work from the Collective, as well as a special message from your Spirit guides and higher self.

You’ll also benefit from the answers and energy work flowing to the others on the Call, with an energy lift offered to the whole group at the end of the Call.

Go here for more info . . . 

Let’s use the Transformative 8-8 Lion’s Gate energies to manifest greater healing, wisdom, and transformation!

Sending much Love & Light,

P S  The cost of asking a question on the Live Q&A Zoom Call is lower than the cost of a “Just One Question” channeling, so take advantage while you can — 

Registration closes at 12:00 Noon Eastern Time on Sunday, August 7th


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