Unstoppable Ascension Waves – Get Ready for Wondrous Tools & Inspiration! 🌟


Greetings, Powerful Light Source!

Clearly, the potent Ascension energies we’re all experiencing now are here to stay, and growing stronger.

And while we know this crystalline plasma energy from Galactic Center and our Sun is a Transformative gift, we still need to help our bodies, minds, and emotions assimilate it with ease and grace.

Many of us are experiencing so much now — altered sleeping patterns, dizziness, bone and muscle pain, and ear ringing, plus emotional wounds, stress, confusion . . . 

It can be incredibly helpful to tap into practical tools, guidance, and inspiration from loving, supportive energy workers on how to handle these . . . 

And Yahoo! We’re soon to be blessed by an amazing event — an actual Light at the End of the Tunnel experience that’s increased my confidence that we can handle what’s happening now — even celebrate it.

Please join me and my wonderful friend Sandra Belen Thomas for a New Season of the virtual retreat “Wondrous Ascension Ride 2022 ~ The Light at the End of the Tunnel.”

You’ve got a free ticket to access these high-vibe conversations with wonderful way-showers, guides, and authors — offering Abundant resources to ride these challenging times of Transformation into the New Paradigm / New Earth!

In their interview, the Collective share beautiful, empowering energies and wisdom on staying strong and clear in the midst of the current chaos.

Everyone in this retreat is holding space for you to attune to greater Peace, Clarity, and Trust that you are moving forward, and seeing the Light at the End of the Tunnel in your own life.

Go Here for Free Access 

Enjoy this retreat experience, as you absorb and integrate the daily teachings and high vibe energies: 

Wondrous Ascension Ride 2022

Sunday, May 22 thru Tuesday, May 31, 2022

9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern (US & Canada)

[CHECK YOUR TIME ZONE DIFFERENCE HERE: https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter]

GET FREE ACCESS HERE, and benefit from this beautiful event, with daily email replays available throughout. 

See you there!

Much Love & Light,


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