Are you coming? New Soar Fest Starting Soon!


Hey Beautiful ~

I was really rather blown away by Archangel Michael’s most recent message about the activation occurring during this Eclipse Cycle. 

😲 🥰 ✨

It’s short notice,  but I hope you’ll join us for a SPECIAL Eclipse Cycle SOAR FEST starting this Thursday, May 5.

The new SOAR FEST is offering us a wonderful way to come together and work energetically, making an even deeper connection with our Soul Self and aligning with the expanding potentials available now, to live in higher states of being.

You can read the most recent channeling about the Eclipse Cycle, here:

Your Soul’s Highest Path is Being Activated

Our world is being lifted, energetically as are we — from the incoming light and by each of us, who is aligning and opening to our greater Self, becoming present in increasingly elevated ways. It’s an important and potent time to co-create. I hope if you resonate with Michael’s message and feel the call to connect, you’ll join us.

The first transmission will be given this Thursday!!!
I’m so looking forward to it! I hope you’ll join us!
Click here for all the details.

With love,

P.S. Each session is recorded so you can participate either via the live events or at your own time/pace using the recordings and no matter where you live. The option for written transcripts (if you prefer) is also available.

The potential for expansion, evolution and transformation is HUGE at this time. I would love for you to join us in this co-creation and receive the transmissions that are perfect for your own healing and evolution, now! 


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