The Great Expansion of Consciousness April 2022

Dear Friends

2022 is proving to be a year of powerful transformation on our Ascension Journey.
We have been in a process of deep expansion of consciousness, which reaches a climax on April 12th 2022.  At this time, Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct in the 12th House of Pisces which is ruled by Neptune.  Expansion, through Jupiter’s benevolent influence, is inevitable, as they say!

This will be followed by the first Eclipse series of 2022 on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, which I call the Phoenix axis.  This is because Scorpio is associated with the Phoenix, which is a symbol for Death and Rebirth.  The journey from the Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse at New Moon on 30th April to the Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse on 16th May will be the Phoenix Adventure of Collapse and Birth at the same time!

Archangel Michael explains this in the latest channeled message that you can read here:

This adventure of Transformation also occurs at the same time as the 5/5 Taurus Gate, and so I am offering an online webinar series for the Taurus Gate that will also assist you to transit the two eclipses with balance and grace.  There will be Love, Support and Assistance from our Diamond Light online community, as well as Archangel Michael and the Elohim Angels, and the Galactic Wisdom Masters and Teachers.
I think this will be a challenging period, but also a great celebration  of the opening of the New Earth timeline in our Reality.

You can read more about the webinar series and sign up here:

I would also like to remind you that there are 10 Private Sessions available in April, and that Mentorship sessions are also available.  You can read more here:

Have a wonderful month in April 2022!

Love and Blessings


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