Feel good on a daily basis — with ease 🌸


Hi Beautiful One —

This morning I was walking Lily and I heard my Divine Self begin to speak: I’ve got you Ailia. You do what you need to take care of yourself physically, and I will help you navigate, as needed, through all of that. All is well. I’ve got you.

Since I began consciously connecting with my Divine Self about three years ago, this relationship has continued to evolve and open, giving me a deep sense of connection, stability and providing for me all that I need.

Divine Supply is infinite abundance, and comes to us from All That Is, through our divine self (or, if you prefer — our higher self, true Self, eternal self, etc). Opening to this inner, innate connection of love, guidance, support and learning how to ask and receive more, has been a life-changing experience for me.

It is also a means of embodying your own higher self. For each and ever time we open to all that we are, we invite the vaster wholeness of our being, to come more fully into our embodiment, and that energy changes all that it touches.

Tomorrow is the Equinox. We’ll be doing some guided Light work and working with our Divine Self to transform the past and our relationship to not only our own history, but our lineage, our ancestors. The Equinoxes and Solstices present us with new potentials to support us in evolving and becoming our true Self, clearly and fully.

Our world is changing rapidly now — perhaps you’re feeling that too? 
I am so thankful for our Angelic Friends and my Divine Self, for the generous support and guidance. And for teaching me how to allow myself to be protected, cared for and loved, just as I am.

We’ve set this event up using a “pay-what-you-choose” model, including scholarships, so anyone who’d like to join a global multidimensional gathering, is able to attend.

We hope you’ll join us.
Note that you do not need to attend live, to participate, the event will be recorded and the audio file shared with you to listen/stream/download afterwards.

Feeling good on a daily basis, with ease, is possible even in the times we live in. We can bring compassion and caring to our participation in the world, while also centering in the abundance support and love of our eternal wholeness.

For me, living a spirit-led life, in communion with my Divine Self has opened me up to so much I never knew was possible. Maybe you feel the same? Or if you’d like to discover more about working with your divine self, join us, tomorrow, for guided light work and begin to open to your own vaster wholeness.

It’s so fun and fulfilling!
For all the details about our Equinox Celebration, click here.

May you open to the generous support that is here for you!

Love & Peace to us all,


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