Time for a Beautiful Vibrational Lift . . .


Greetings, Beautiful Light Source!


Blessings in this heart-shaped month of February!

I wanted to quickly share a beautifully healing interview I did a few weeks ago with my wonderful friend Diana.

Formerly known as Kelly S Jones, Diana is an experienced teacher, transformational coach, and energy healer who reads energetic patterns and histories with amazing skill and insight. 

She is skilled in Feng Shui, Reiki, hypnosis, and soul readings, and an expert at Akashic Records readings, and was interviewed by George Noory on Beyond Belief on Gaia.com not long ago.

Diana did an Akashic reading for me a while back while a guest on A Night at the Roundtable, and I am still blown away by it. 

She was our guest on A Night at the Roundtable again recently, and wowed us all with her wonderful insights into where our journeys are taking us now, amidst these incredible energies and demanding times we’re in. 

You can find the interview here. Diana’s site is SacredBeginnings.com

The interview starts around the 56-minute mark. Diana speaks on how we can begin to recapture our power and move up to greater self-Love, empowerment, confidence, and self-mastery, by moving into the heart. 

This new level of Light pouring in to the planet now seems to be requiring all of that now.

Meanwhile, we need some reassurance! Diana speaks to that as well, so give a listen . . . 

And much Love to you, my friend!


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