3rd December 2021. Mike Quinsey.
You are in the storm before the calm and the cleansing will continue until the Earth has increased its vibrations, to allow many of you to advance your evolution in readiness to move into the 4th dimensional vibrations. You will be noted for your calmness in testing conditions and through your example many others will follow. It is your destiny and the old energies will be left behind. The level you reach will determine the future for you and you will most likely move to a planet that meets your needs to continue your present evolution. The transition will be smooth and much to your liking.
The energies around you are not static and keep moving to points that attract them. As you draw upon them so you lift yourselves up and you will gradually progress to a level that is the limit of your evolution at this time. The lower energies will have disappeared and you will be in harmony with all that is around you. You will have become a powerful being attracting all that you need to survive and continue evolving. Such progress is inevitable and welcome, as it has lifted you up to never again have to spend a life in the lower vibrations. Life at these higher levels is so different to what you have been used to experiencing.
Our brief is to prepare you for your upliftment, in the course of which we will present ourselves to those who have achieved the higher levels of evolution. Providing you show determination and commitment to evolve we will help you along that path. We are the Pleiadians and come to help you along to achieve your ambitions. There really is so much help around you that there is absolutely no reason why you should not achieve your aims. You will have done the hard bit by overcoming the antics and trickery the dark Ones have used to throw you off your spiritual path. You now have the benefit of experience through the lower vibrations that you have now overcome. You can offer a helping hand to others who are seeking the greater truths to help them keep on the evolutionary path.
The fact that your planet has been a “no go” zone is why many of you have concluded that there are no other life forms like yourselves in the Universe. Yet in reality it is full of life mostly living underground for reasons of safety and protection, from the dark Ones and the elements. With the ability to build cities in that way gives the occupants a safe abode from all forms of interference. On your Moon on what you call the dark side there are numerous types of ET’s that live on the surface that have even built cities. Your governments are fully aware of them but have been warned off from carrying out any form of interference. In fact right now there are also some ET’s living deep within your Earth safe from interference.
The Universe is teeming with life and some are very keen to meet you, but presently held back from doing so. Life in the future will be an exciting time to meet other ET races all similar to you in appearance. Most have evolved far ahead of you and consequently have much to offer. They have been kept at bay to ensure that your experiences are completely of your own making so that you can learn from them. However, it will not be too long before the first official contact takes place even though it may be a muted affair to gradually get you used to them being around.
Man has to accept that differences can be settled amicably and using force to obtain a result will no longer work as will be realised very soon. We have previously told you that we would not allow nuclear weapons to be used any longer. We have the technology to even stop your artillery from functioning and we are authorised to do so if it becomes necessary. These actions can now be taken whereas previously we could not intervene and had to allow you to experience the outcome of them.
Be patient as events may take some time to take place, but simply be aware that the light grows stronger at the end of the tunnel. Your future has been ordained and is committed to eventually bringing permanent peace on Earth. After all of the traumas and upsets of the last Solar Cycle we are pleased to be part of your release from the action of the dark Ones who can no longer prevent you from rising up into the Light. Already you are feeling the benefit of the changes so keep your eyes focussed on your goal, and be assured it will come to be. Take heart from the changes that are coming and the sooner matters settle down the quicker they will take place.
Your progress has been monitored by us for aeons of time and we are gratified that you have been successful in overcoming the attempts of the dark Ones to thwart your success. We are aware of the enormous troubles you have had to encounter to get this far and you are now to reap the rewards that you have earned. Without knowledge of what lays ahead you cannot really grasp the wonderful changes that will take place, and they are not that far away. Expect everything to work out satisfactorily and your energy will be helping it to materialise.
We are right with you and never far away if you need help so “speak” to us and we will take note. We are excited that soon we will be able to come out into the open and meet you, and believe us that many old acquaintances will be renewed and you will instantly be aware that they are old friends. Then you will recall who you were before you left the higher realms and had your memory blocked so as to not interfere with your new experiences. Can you imagine the joy and happiness in meeting old friends and family once again.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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