It’s been one heck of a week 🙄😆


Heyyyyyyyy , WHAT is up ?

OMG. What a week this has been. I’m just coming out of a migraine flare that lasted for 3 days. No headaches but vertigo and dizziness. UGH. I’m so thankful that I was fine-enough for some of the day that I could channel and also experiment with the new materials for the Creating with the Infinite program. But other than that? Lots of down time. Writing this, it strikes me — maybe that was the point though … ?

Anyway, enough about my personal eclipse cycle experience so far…I’m writing to send you a new blog post.

Over the past three or four years, my mindset and approach to life has changed dramatically.

👉 In this blog post I’ve written about this and what I’m personally noticing in the spiritual community (VERY INTERESTING STUFF) AND a REALLY BIG INSIGHT that ties it all together.)

I think something really powerful is going on right now, collectively, in our ability to embrace ourselves, love what is and open to receive more.

Super intrigued to see if this resonates with you! Check it out here.

Happy Saturday!



P.S. The insight came from a friend’s post today that was like UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE showing up for me with flashing lights!!! (So FUN!! I love when this happens!

Are you having any big shifts, insights, or revelations in this Eclipse Cycle? How is it going for you. I’d love to know. Reply to this email if you feel like sharing. + take good care and be gentle and if possible, OPEN. 💖


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