Forgive yourselves for whatever you feel or believe is unworthy or unacceptable in yourselves. |
You were created free, free beings whose true and only nature is Love. That has never changed, and never can change, because what is created is perfect and eternal. That does not appear to be so for the vast majority of humans, because the dream or unreal environment you constructed collectively in which to experience separation is, by its very nature, imperfect and decays over time. Time is simply an unreal characteristic of the physical environment in which you live your human lives, causing you fear of the seemingly final point – termination and death.
You are not physical beings, you are spiritual beings having a very temporary exposure to limitation, and the feeling of not being free. You sense that love is not within you and needs to be given to you by another. But because your true nature is love, to sense or believe that it is outside you, making you dependent on others to give it or withhold it from you is terrifying, and that is why you spend so much of your lives seeking it. You need Love, and you are Love – without It you would not exist. Love is the life force that flows through you in every moment of your eternal existence, but, as limited beings in human in form, you are mostly, because of the apparent reality of your very unrealhuman nature, unaware of this unchanging and eternal Truth. You may believe it, but you do not feel it, so you have doubts.
To awaken is to return to knowing yourselves as perfect divine beings created in Love from Love, and therefore to know and experience yourselves eternally at peace and living in joy at One with Mother/Father/God. To awaken – to find Love – is your one true desire as humans. But because of the nature of the unreality of life in form separated from Source – often tending towards egotistical narcissism – you feel alone, lost, and abandoned