Intel Updates From Corey Goode


Intel Updates From Corey Goode

October 15th, 2021 – Updates Posted on AscensionWorks.TVFollow ALL Updates from Corey Here
From Corey Goode:


Nov 3rd Update: The Global Galactic League of Nations declaration of independence from the ICC and associated Earth governments


Within a few days, after I had been on the last of our reconnaissance missions of the Orion Group, I was brought onboard a Mayan craft to attend a “conference call” between The SSP Alliance (not the real name for operational security) liaisons and two representatives who were at one time leaders within the secret program referred to as the Global Galactic League of Nations (not the real program name, for operation security).


The Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) is a very large program that is made up of participants of most of the countries of the world to some degree. After the Apollo missions to the moon, The US Government had a team of scientists and politicians approach every nation showing them geological proof from the moon that there is a cyclical solar event that would destroy our civilization. They told these nations we were overdue for the next solar event and that if it occurred on that day we could see the extinction of the human race. They then provided a solution. They called the plan the Preservation of Species program and asked every nation to contribute 1% of their gross domestic product to a global galactic league of nations that would create colonies in other star systems to ensure the preservation of humanity. This program was also offered as an incentive for these countries to keep their knowledge of the solar event and our advanced space program colonies a secret.


Gonzales and I were introduced to Raymond (Director of Science and Technology Development) and Anya (Director of Colonial Security), who served with the Global Galactic League of Nations in one of their most remote colony outposts at the edge of our galaxy. Both of the GGLN representatives were caucasian and in their late 50’s or early 60’s and were dressed in dark blue jumpsuits that had all military designation patches removed.


Anya then gave a brief description of the history of the GGLN and the hardships participants went through as they were sent to various star systems to set up colonies in the program’s “Preservation of Species” mandate. They were sent to undeveloped planets to begin developing our cities and infrastructure that mirrored what we see on Earth fairly closely. Over decades of development, the cities and the population grew steadily and were replications of cities you would find on earth.


They further reported that the GGLN was a very successful program and that they had taken the technology that the ICC had given them and developed it out much further. They were on the verge of technological breakthroughs that would have brought humans to a parallel level of development as some of the most advanced ET’s in our Galaxy. The Science and Technology groups from the GGLN were reporting their breakthrough back to their home nations through the ICC communications network when one of the ICC leaders introduced them to a new group of ET’s who they said would assist in the final development of these exciting new technologies.


This new group of ET’s was from one of the Galactic Federations that had been engaged in intergalactic trade with the ICC and advised them in technological development and in diplomatic introductions to hundreds of civilizations who then entered into trade deals with the ICC.


Anya stated that when the first delegation of this Galactic Federation arrived the inhabitants of their particular colony were very excited. The 28 Federation members arrived and were greeted with a festival and given a building complex to move into and work out of. In the Federation delegation, there were 18 females and 10 males who all appeared to be under 35 or 40 years of age and were unusually attractive.


The GGLN began working with these Federation members to develop the promising technologies that they had contacted the ICC about. Anya said that almost immediately this Federation group began to discourage the GGLN from developing these technologies by offering them already developed technologies from their own civilization. The Federation scientists began to share stories of how the use of Artificial Intelligence, A sub-space communications system, and technological implants in their bodies to conquer disease, aging and allow their people to be connected in a way they had never been before. Everyone in their civilization could then connect and work in a virtual reality realm where their people brought their minds together to develop technologies that developed at such an incredible rate that their civilization began making thousand-year leaps in technology in a very short period of time.


The GGLN began to research the technologies that the Federation had suggested and once they felt they understood the technologies they put them into development. While these technologies were being developed and tested the GGLN members become close with the Federation members and eventually the Federation members began physical relationships with men and women from the GGLN colony. Anya herself says she was seduced by the Federation Commander who began to influence her more and more as the relationship continued. She said she found herself making decisions she would never have entertained prior to the arrival of these Federation members and even though she knew it was a problem, she couldn’t help herself.


This went on for nearly a year before the GGLN had fully developed and tested the brain implants and nanites that the Federation helped them develop and began requiring all GGLN colony members to receive the implants that they were told were impossible to remove. This was a huge step for the GGLN because they were aware of the threat of the Orion Group and their AI god but the Federation convinced them that the technology was safe and that the AI god had been blocked from accessing it.


It was around this time that Anya found out that the Federation Commander with whom she had a physical relationship was secretly having relationships with other women in their colony. Being the head of security, she began to monitor the Federation Commander a lot more closely. She used the advanced security system from the colony to tap into the communications between their new Federation friends and their homeworld. She was unsuccessful in the beginning but was finally able to break into the communications system using one of the chips the Federation had given the GGLN as a prototype model to piggyback into their system.


Anya said what she learned sent chills down her spine. She witness a meeting between the Federation Commander and a Tall Grey ET where they were discussing the progress of their mission with the GGLN. The Tall Grey stated that the technologies the humans were developing in this program were a danger to the Orion Group and their agenda and they had to be assimilated into the Empire immediately. Anya was horrified upon learning the Federation’s true agenda and realizing how much she had assisted it by ordering most of her security staff to be implanted. Not only had she influenced her own people to accept the implants, she too had recently had one installed and was going through the period of the device bonding to her neurons and integrating into her thought patterns. This is a process that takes around 90 days to complete and she was halfway through the process.


Anya said she panicked. She backed up all of the data their systems had collected on the Federation members since they had arrived along with the recording of the communication she had just intercepted to warn the others. She tried to talk to her security staff and others in leadership positions but it was too late; they became very upset with her and refused to look at the evidence. The trusted security team she had managed for nearly two decades had already fallen under the influence of the Orion Group and their AI god. The only other person that listened to her was Raymond, who was the engineer that ran the colony’s efforts to reverse engineer the Federation technologies. He was one of the few holdouts that hadn’t had the implants installed and had witnessed the change in behavior of those on his team who had.


She realized she had to act quickly so she and Raymond grabbed about a dozen of their family members and friends she could trust, who then helped them steal a long-range vessel in order to escape from their friends and colleagues who were now compromised. Anya and her new group of refugees headed to a GGLN military outpost in another solar system where a relative of hers was stationed in hopes he would be able to keep her arrival quiet. When she arrived, her cousin was able to make a copy of the intelligence she had been able to bring with her and uploaded it to the military intelligence mainframe. They both knew that this mainframe was connected to the quantum correlated communication devices that used quantum entanglement between devices making the data impossible to intercept or decrypt.


Her cousin helped the small group of refugees replenish their supplies, and provided them with information that he downloaded from the military mainframe regarding Sigmund’s disclosures of the Dark Fleet and a rogue group we refer to as the Secret Space Program Alliance (Our organization). Anya and her crew used that information to try to track down the SSP Alliance for their assistance. They were using stealthy means to travel and were staying off of the communications network to avoid detection by anyone who may be looking for them. They managed to avoid detection for several months when a GGLN military cruiser arrived in the small solar system they were hiding out in. The cruiser flew directly to the moon of a gas giant that the SSP Alliance was in orbit around and immediately opened communications.


The crew immediately began purging computer systems and destroying physical evidence when the cruiser entered the solar system as they knew there was no chance of them escaping capture. Anya opened communications with the GGLN military cruiser in order to buy a little time and was caught completely off guard by what happened next. She heard someone state that they were the commander of the “Wandering Star,” the new flagship of the free colonies. She was informed that the information she had disseminated through her cousin had made it through the entire GGLN military network. The GGLN military was able to determine that dozens of their colonies were now under the control of the Orion Group through their Federation allies.


The people living in the GGLN colonies were enraged and called for the colonies working with these Federation groups to expel them and to return to developing the breakthrough technologies that had so much promise. These colonies refused to give up the alliances and technologies they were given, so the GGLN military contacted the ICC for assistance. The ICC ordered the GGLN military to stand down and allow the continued development of the implant technologies and be prepared to accept that technology as soon as it was ready for mass deployment. The GGLN military was told they were ordered to enforce the mandate of all GGLN participants to be implanted.


When the GGLN military brought these orders to the colony leaders, 93 of them came together and declared independence from the ICC and all Earth governments. The GGLN military then pledged their allegiance to the new governments of these colonies and was sent out to look for Anya’s group and to make contact with the SSP Alliance. Once the SSP Alliance heard about the GGLN program’s complete collapse, they made contact and were now on board the “Wandering Star” along with s team of Mayans. The Mayans had helped the GGLN military develop a method of removing the implants without the procedure being fatal.


On the way back to one of their colonies onboard the “Wandering Star” they were informed of an agreement that the SSP Alliance and new free colonies had made in regards to working together to defeat the Orion Group and AI agenda. The SSP Alliance had brought them the news of the future Super Federation trials and how the new guardians and Zulu had put the ICC and Super Federation on notice. The GGLN had never heard of the Guardians nor had they been informed that our local star cluster was heavily inhabited by beings very close to us genetically.


At the end of this briefing, we were informed that this league of free colonies was offering the SSP Alliance all of their assets in the effort to free their homeworld, a prison planet called Earth. The former GGLN military groups have been in a number of firefights with Reptilian and Dark Fleet vessels that were harassing other worlds in their direct vicinity. They are sending some of their assets back to our solar system by way of the Zulu planet where they will be introduced to the Zulu leadership, which is made up of over 100 of the elder women of their society. The Zulu planet is where the headquarters for the Local Confederation of Planets made up of over 50 ET groups from our local stellar neighborhood.


I am told the “Wandering Star” will be the flagship of the human-led fleet that will coordinate their entrance into our solar system working with the SSP Alliance and elements of the Earth Alliance assets that are still operational after its near-collapse in 2020. Due to operational security, that is all that was shared with us at the time.


If these friendly forces are to be successful in their missions we, as the resistance on this planet, need to encourage the people of the world to get out on the streets and make their voices heard. It is only after we see the masses in the streets will the Earth Alliance have the leverage to make their moves. Once we all rise up at the same time and begin robbing the Orion Group of their loosh we will see their influence die off within days as they go into withdrawals from no longer being fed by our pain and suffering. It is at this point in history that humanity will free itself and learn the karmic lessons of its enslavement, never to repeat those mistakes again.


We highly encourage everyone to read over the SSP Alliance Report where Micca and his planet of the Olmec people freed themselves from the Orion Group and AI Archon agenda. It is not through a planetary war that we will be freed but through us refusing to participate in the system that enslaves us, to begin with.
November 7th Update: The ICC travels to Antarctica to awaken the old gods from stasis.


A new Official SSP Alliance report is on the way. This report will cover how the ICC reacted after being notified that the Super Federation will hold trials enforcing Cosmic Law.

These trials would be right after the solar event and after humanity had chosen its new timeline. The choice that humans make on Earth, and the timeline we choose will determine which rogue Super Federation Groups would be tried and how severe the actions of the Super Federation would be.

In a state of panic, the ICC traveled to the ancient ruined city of Atlantis over a mile below the ice on the continent of Antarctica. Excavating this ancient city from the ice began decades prior and had uncovered only a portion of the city.


During the initial excavations, 3 large mother ships were discovered and it was determined they had crash-landed and then been cannibalized for their technology to build an extremely advanced city.

Those who have followed my information over the last 6 years will remember that these secret excavations had discovered a large number of stasis pods on the ship that were occupied by what was believed to be the royals and elites of the Pre-Adamite empire also known as Atlantis.


Many of you also know that the Earth Elite credit their bloodlines to this group of ET’s that they worshiped as the Old Gods. The Earth Elite who control the ICC were panicking because, in their emergency meeting with the Orion Group and the Rogue Federations that are their allies, they sensed fear and insecurity among its leadership.


The ICC decided to awaken the Pre-Adamite old gods and plead to them for assistance.


They brought some of their most influential members to the deck of the Pre-Adamite ship that housed the stasis pods and prepared a ceremony.

The ICC performed a dark ceremony and made a human sacrifice as they disabled the stasis devices that had been operating since just before the last solar event and a global flood more than 11,800 years ago.


The old gods were successfully awakened but the ICC was stunned at what happened next. I am working on this report currently and will post it to Ascension Works TV. [Report below]


November 16th Update: 
Final Report: The ICC Breakaway Civilization travels to Antarctica to awaken the “old gods” from stasis


In early November, I was brought up to the Mayan vessel that has a very secret and proprietary method of breaching and performing reconnaissance in extremely secure facilities and cities belonging to the enemy, the Orion Group. Onboard was a small delegation of Anshar, a few of the SSP Alliance Council that had been present for prior reconnaissance missions, Gonzales and 4 of his Mayan comrades then finally Emmi of the group we call the Zulu.


The Mayans had been surveilling the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) since the Zulu Elder, Emmi, had visited the secret ICC meeting at the Lunar Operations Command weeks prior. After Emmi and the New Guardians had delivered their message to the ICC, the ICC met with the Orion Group and their allies who were all rogue members of the Super Federation.  In this meeting, it was decided that the plan to implant the majority of humans on earth with their technology and convert them to the new one-world transhumanist religion was to be fully deployed into action before it was too late. The ICC leadership and the Intuitive Empaths that attended the meeting with the Orion Group had picked up on a lot of fear and insecurity within their Extra-Terrestrial allies. When this was reported to the ICC Super Board they decided to take a drastic course of action.


The Mayans monitored a large delegation from the ICC traveling from the Moon to an area of Antarctica where excavations decades prior had revealed an ancient city with the remains of three large motherships. These ships belonged to a group that we dubbed the Pre-Adamites, a group of Extraterrestrials that the human elite of earth referred to as the Progenitor Race or The Old Gods. They were given this name because this group had built out a large civilization on Earth that lasted over 50,000 years, prior to modern scientific theories of when modern humans appeared on Earth (more on that in later reports).


If you have heard me describe some of this before you may want to pay attention as the information has been updated because of more detailed information from recent briefings.


The Pre-Adamites were a race that came from the planet we know as Mars today. At one point, they were a vast empire that existed on a planet that is referred to as “Super-Earth.” The planet was very much like our own planet except it was much larger and had a much stronger gravitational field and barometric pressure within its atmosphere. There were multiple moons in orbit around this planet, one of which was habitable and was eventually fully terraformed by the inhabitants of the planet below.


The beings that inhabited the main planet were tall, human-like, and had very large craniums. There was a second group, headed by its own royal family, that moved to their moon to establish a separate but parallel kingdom and civilization. After thousands of years, this group began to develop into a shorter and slightly different-looking version of their prior statures. These parallel civilizations were both very warlike and after a dispute over some sort of resource with a civilization within our local stellar neighborhood, they decided to hijack an ancient defense grid that surrounded and protected all of the stars of our local cluster. This defense grid was built by a group we refer to as the Ancient Builder Race at least two billion years prior.


Very little is known about the Ancient Builder Race. We know that ruins of their civilization have been discovered in many star systems and that they created a defense grid to protect the developing civilization within them from being interfered with by outside groups. The defense grid was created by millions of hollowed-out moons and minor planets. Offensive and defensive technologies were placed within these moon-sized ships and placed in strategic points around the local stellar neighborhood that then used extreme electro gravitational engines to pull time-space into a singularity that connected to the Cosmic Web. The Cosmic Web is an electro-plasmic channel of energy that connects all Galaxies and Star Systems within them both in sub-space and in space/time as electromagnetic filaments. If you enter “Cosmic Web” into a search engine you can find more information and images to help you visualize what we are discussing.


The Ancient Builder Race defense grid had tapped into and fed the Cosmic Web with a frequency that prevented the natural portal system that works through it from connecting outside of the defense grid. In addition, any ships or probes that tried to enter our local stellar neighborhood were pushed back by non-lethal means. This defense grid had been operational for over two billion years and had prevented countless genetic farmer races from coming into these star systems and harvesting their genetics for their grand experiment.


When the Pre-Adamites had decided to hack into this defense grid they realized that the grid was powered by a stable super-gate portal that was located closest to our own solar system. This giant portal had normally connected to neighboring galaxies but after the defense grid was created its address would only loop back to itself or through some of the other natural portals in other local star systems. The Pre-Adamites were also aware of the natural cycle of micro-nova’s that each star within our galaxy goes through. They developed the ill-conceived plan to use the ancient defense grid and the incredible amount of power available to it as a weapon in the dispute with their stellar neighbors.


The Pre-Adamites hacked into the ancient defense grid and planned to open up the full force of its power system directly into the Cosmic Web. They would have to time the pulse exactly to the rhythm of the Cosmic Web in a way that would cause their enemy’s solar system to create a premature micro-nova event that would destroy their unprepared civilization. They executed their plan at exactly the wrong moment and when they opened up the power systems from the defense grid their own star immediately burst into a micro-nova, sending giant electrical bolts out striking the planet directly in their path destroying the super-earth planet they called home causing it to explode across the entire star system sending fragments out past the stars ort cloud.

The explosion devastated the moons of the exploded planet and sent them into new orbits around their star. Those who survived the initial explosion were the group that had moved to one of the terraformed moons, the planet we call Mars, and the inhabitants of one of the hollowed out and converted moons that were part of the ancient defense gird. The survivors on this ancient device were thrown out of orbit and hurled towards the inner solar system. Most of the technology onboard this massive ancient space station was destroyed from the micro-nova, but those aboard were able to take control of its navigation systems and guide it to the planet Earth using the last bit of working technology to tidal lock the station to the planet, giving us the moon we know today.


The Pre-adamite had discovered large areas within the moon that had been inhabited by the Ancient Builder Race billions of years prior. They were able to repurpose these areas as an arch to preserve the cultures of their planet. There were many thousands of Pre-Adamites that were living in these converted areas within the moon when the solar cataclysm occurred. Many of the inhabitants of the moon were killed but enough of them survived and began creating colonies on the planet below while using the moon as a station to oversee the new settlement project.


Back on the other moon, the planet we now call Mars, the remaining civilization struggled to survive. There were still many hundreds of thousands of people that had survived on Mars but as the atmosphere began to dissipate into space every year things were becoming more and more desperate. Eventually, the royal family and their scientists determined that the Sun was going to micro-nova again, this time according to its natural cycle, and determined that the next solar event would strip the last of their planet’s atmosphere. They decided to abandon their planet and their remaining subjects by taking the last three working motherships from their once massive fleet and fleeing to the Earth and its moon.


We place the initial solar event that destroyed the Super-Earth planet as long ago as 500,000 years with many other micro-nova’s occurring in the Sun’s natural cycle since. The three motherships that had escaped Mars made it to Earth’s Moon just prior to another solar event. The occupants of the Moon were also aware of the upcoming solar event and were desperate to evacuate as many of the Moon’s inhabitants as possible to their main colony on Earth that had once been occupied by the Ancient Builder Race. They found a lot of useful ancient technology and had begun building their new capital city on top of the ancient ruins. They had already occupied this area for thousands of years and had developed a beautiful foundation for a new civilization.


The three motherships made numerous trips to ferry their people to this new city but it was obvious that they would not have time to rescue everyone. The three motherships were on their way back down after loading up another group of their people when the micro-nova occurred, resulting in catastrophic damage to the three ships and causing them to crash land. They were able to land their craft near their new capital city and then began to cannibalize the materials and technology to build the city that would be the new capital for their new civilization on Earth.


One of the consequences of the Pre-Adamites’ hacking into the ancient defense grid and turning it into a weapon was that it collapsed the grid for the rest of the local stellar neighborhood. At that point, approximately 500,000 years ago, Extra-Terrestrial races from all over the Galaxy were now free to come into an area of space that had been quarantined for over two billion years. We refer to many of these groups as “Genetic Farmer Races” because most of them were master geneticists and would interfere in the natural development and ascension process of planets in some grand experiment they were cooperating in, while some of the other groups coming into our local stellar neighborhood were more interested in engaging these previously untapped star systems in trade and commerce without fully considering how the new technologies and ideas would affect the societies of the planets they dealt with. These groups were eventually forced to join a Super Federation Group that oversees and enforces cosmic law and trade disputes within this Galaxy.


The Pre-Adamites were already engaged in genetic experiments on the Earth and had been mixing their genetics with various types of beings from their old planet for hundreds of generations. When they arrived on Earth they began splicing their DNA and the DNA of other ET groups that they had collected to create various types of engineered slaves. They began to trade with several of the new Genetic Farmer Races and learned even more advanced methods of genetic engineering along with a type of new and more advanced technology that their new trade partners promised would benefit their civilization. The Pre-Adamites built out their civilization for over 50,000 years and were very successful on their new planet. The new technologies they obtained from their new trade allies, The Orion Group, were indeed advancing their civilization faster than the Pre-Adamites had ever imagined. They didn’t realize it at the time, but the introduction of these new technologies would actually be the end of the Pre-Adamite civilization. Once their scientists had developed and implanted the new nanotechnologies into their bodies, they began to behave differently and converted to the religion that the Orion Group had been sharing with them in cultural exchanges.


The Pre-Adamite civilization on Earth then began to divide against itself. There were those who wanted to force the implants on everyone else and convert them to the new religion and those who wanted to preserve the Pre-Adamite legacy and way of life. They became so engaged in this civil war that they didn’t realize that the next solar event was imminent. They would normally have noticed the changes in the solar energies that affected their health and consciousness in negative ways. They would have prepared themselves for the energies that caused rational thought to be nearly impossible. While they were suffering from a form of end-times madness caused by the solar energies and were in the middle of their civil war, the solar event occurred. This was one of the larger solar events and it caused the Earth to tilt up to 30 degrees before it tilted most of the way back. In doing so, a huge ocean wave sloshed out of its basin and covered the continent that the Pre-Adamite capital city was on, Antarctica while being flash-frozen into miles of solid ice. Fewer than 300 of the Pre-Adamite royals and scientists were able to make it to the stasis chambers on the remnants of the largest of their three motherships. They were also able to save some of their genetic creations in some of the stasis chambers on adjacent floors.


There were three floors of stasis chambers with the first floor being occupied by chimera, red-haired giants, and other genetically mixed beings, the second-floor stasis chambers were filled with the scientific and engineering casts of their civilization. The lowest floor, and most insulated from the solar event, was reserved for the royal cast. They were also able to have deep underground cavern systems populated with a priest cast who would act as caretakers of the frozen city and to pass on instructions to following generations on how to maintain the stasis pods along with many other of their secrets. This group maintained isolation from the human civilizations that rose after theirs had fallen and passed on their traditions and secrets for thousands of years in very difficult conditions. Due to the hardships and shallow genetic pool of the caretakers, many of their secrets and traditions began to be lost.


It was this group of caretakers that the ICC council had traveled to Antarctica to consult with. The ICC had determined that their allies, The Orion Group, were not going to be able to avoid the cosmic trials that the New Guardians had ordered the Super Federation to oversee. The ICC and other ruling elites on this planet all practiced what they call “The Old Religion” and trace their lineage back to the Pre-Adamite bloodlines. They call them the Progenitor Race and worship them as the Old Gods of Atlantis. This “Old Religion” ultimately came from the Orion Group when they had influenced the Pre-Adamites thousands of years prior. The practice of this Old Religion and worship of their Progenitor Gods was what predisposed the ICC to the temptations of the Orion Group, their technologies, and religion that mirrored the “Old Religion” they already practiced.


Onboard the Mayan reconnaissance craft we all watched as a small group of the Pre-Adamite Caretakers dressed in ceremonial robes began to walk into the bottom floor of stasis chambers, where the royal cast was entombed below the nearly two miles of ice above it. They were dropping yellow and red flower petals on the floor as the beating of small drums echoed throughout the walls of the old mothership. The ICC council leadership then entered the large room in single file, all dressed in red hooded robes. One of the Caretakers was given a young woman who appeared to be under the influence of a drug or some sort of trance. She was taken to the foot of one of the stasis pods and was sacrificed. He then turned and put a long metal rod through several metal hoops that were connected to levers. The metal rod connected all of the levers so they could be pulled simultaneously. Once he pulled the lever the stasis chambers split in half and separated with frosty cold mists coming out of the individual pods.


After a few minutes, we could hear moans and see movement through the misty fog coming out of the stasis pods. One by one pre-adamite beings began to come out of the pods, soaking wet, covered in some sort of slime, and shivering as if they were suffering from hyperthermia. The Custodian Pre-Adamite beings began to speak to the newly awoken members who seemed very confused. After a short discussion, the confusion of the newly awoken Pre-Adamites turned to shock and absolute fear. One of the Custodians turned to the ICC council and said “What have we done? We should not have awakened them!”


The Custodians explained that much of their oral and other traditions had been lost including the timing that the royal class was to be awakened. They said the royals were not supposed to be awakened until after the next solar event. They had used their AI technology to predict the probable future and had found that humanity would most likely choose the negative timeline and that in doing so they would escape judgment from the Super Federation. They explained that if they were awakened early it would indicate that their probable future predictions were incorrect and that an unknown timeline would then develop. The Pre-Adamites were responsible for not only destroying the ancient defense grid around our local stellar neighborhood, breaking its quarantine, but they were also responsible for the negative timeline that occurred on Earth because of their actions. They were not only unpopular with the inhabitants of our own local stellar neighborhood, but also the Super Federation.


At this point, Emmi, the Zulu Elder onboard the Mayan Craft, took a deep breath and said “It is time.” Emmi then teleported from where he was standing directly down to the middle of the scene we were watching down in Antarctica. Emmi reappeared on the deck of the Pre-Adamite mothership. The newly awoken Pre-Adamites began to yell out angrily to the Custodians and ICC council while pointing and shaking their fists. Emmi then started speaking in the language of the Pre-Adamites, and suddenly another being appeared in the room. It was one of the Super Federation groups we call “the shining ones.” They were over eight feet tall, had luminescent white skin, white curly hair, and eyes with irises that glowed like the lit end of a cigar as its being puffed on.


One of the “Shining Ones” then pulled a large scroll out of its belt and began to read from it. As it read, each word boomed and echoed through the old mothership causing the Pre-Adamites, the Custodians, and the ICC Council to drop to their knees with their hands over their ears. The only one on their feet was Emmi who was dancing all around with a huge raptured smile on his face. When the “Shining One” had finished reading the scroll, Emmi yelled “IT’S DONE!” and then called out in a very loud tribal scream, dropping to the floor on both knees clapping his hands in front of him. As soon as he had done this all of the Custodians and Pre-Adamites began to skurry and run from hundreds of little blue orbs that entered the room. Some of the orbs went through the ceiling to the other floors where stasis chambers were located. The blue orbs or spheres then began to swoop through the room, gobbling up all of the Pre-Adamites and their genetic creations from the floors above.


Emmi then addressed the ICC. He said, “The cosmic trials from the old solar cycle are now underway; woe to those of you who will be tried for this one.” He then turned to the body of the sacrificed woman on the floor and said “I cannot find a semblance of compassion or sanity on this planet, this was completely unnecessary”. He then bent over and reached out his hand and the body of the sacrificed woman came to life. She stood up and looked around the room and then back at Emmi, who smiled, took her hand, and then vanished from the deck of the ancient mothership, leaving the ICC completely slack-jawed at what they had just witnessed.


At this point, the Anshar began hugging and celebrating and then turned to the SSP Alliance Council and myself and told us that as scary as things on this timeline appear to be going, that everything is on course for the most optimal timeline and future for our planet. They said that now the timeline is up to humanity for the first time, and the decisions we make will determine our own future for the first time. The Pre-Adamites had sent us on the path of a negative timeline after the last solar event, and leading up to this one we will have the choice to repeat yet another negative timeline cycle or to choose freedom in a positive timeline. The New Guardians, the Federation of Local Planets, and the Super Federation are doing their part, but their actions are dictated by the path we choose. They are now waiting to see if we will stand up and refuse to participate in the slavery of our current civilization or if we will collapse under our own trauma and fall into another negative cycle.

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P.S. Check out the recent SSP Alliance Updates videos and the Blue Avians & Law of One Course preview if you missed them.


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