Reminder 🌒eclipse cycle live event happening today


Hiii there! ~

Tonight at 11:18 pm pacific time, the a once-in-a-few-centuries partial lunar eclipse in the sky begins!

To prepare for these energies our Eclipse Cycle Opening Event is happening today at 1:00 pm pacific time.

This event is part of a special program that also includes an event after the Solar Eclipse on Dec. 4 and a guided series of inner sessions for Creating with the Infinite, in between.

Tonight’s eclipse is a partial lunar eclipse and full moon. Full moons are always about endings. Most of us tend to avoid or dislike endings! But full moons and particularly a full moon with an Eclipse is a potent time to complete things in our lives.

What is it time to end, that you’ve avoided ending, paying attention to, or even looking at?

That question can serve us right now.
And especially if we dare to put it into the context of the collective evolution of humanity.

Think about your lineage, your ancestors, the habits, beliefs, issues that you’ve learned through these connections and through your life experiences, that are based on beliefs, ideas and patterns rooted in separation.

Beliefs in lack. Ideas of unworthiness. Patterns of denying yourself true authentic expression and being who you really are.

What could you stop doing, supported by your own Divine Self and the Infinite, at this time, that would allow you to be more true, see yourself with more self-compassion and generosity, and express yourself more freely?

I encourage you to take some time over the next two days to consider these questions and to ask for whatever support or help you feel you need, to be courageous enough to END what’s limiting your divine true expression.

And if you’d like the fun and support of a co-creative experience for working with these energies and more, please consider joining us for the Live Event today and the Creating with the Infinite program.

(Note — the event and everything in this program can be done on your own preferred time line. The event is recorded and the materials delivered via email. So no matter where you live or what your schedule is like right now, you can participate.)

Click here to learn more.


Sending you love and blessings!


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