A Message to Light Bringers – November 12, 2021 💗


Hello, Phenomenal Light Being!

As always, I pray you and yours are well.

I feel that this week’s Message is one of the more powerful ones the Collective have ever offered us.

At this time when so many are weary of the assault of the old power structure and its many machinations, our friends speak on the importance of letting go.

Not fighting, not going into fear, not giving up. With encouragement to see what lies beyond all that.

Yes, we are Light Warriors, even if we don’t call ourselves that.

We don’t fight. We guard the principles of the New Earth. And we don’t have to choose suffering as the path to Her creation.

At the end, they quote a few lines from Amanda Gorman’s powerful inaugural poem, “The Hill We Climb,” which I feel is full of the energies that are carrying us to NESARA. (See the full text of that inspiring work here.)

We continue to Blaze the Transmuting and Transforming Violet Flame, for the world, and for our own lives.

And now safely inside the 11-11 portal, we stand in the Light of 10 trillion Suns . . .

With Divine Love, and much higher Light,

P S  Many are looking for guidance, energetic support, and wisdom for their life situations now. Please reach out if you need support.

The Collective and I are honored to assist, either in a channeling session or a Just One (or Two or Three) Question recorded channeling. The Spirit of Money is also happy to offer their guidance and wisdom.

A Message to Lightworkers
November 12, 2021


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective.

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.

At this moment, you stand just inside the 11-11 Portal of Light, which your galaxy is experiencing at this time.

It is part of the great wave of Light traveling through this Universe, affecting all in its path.

You are aware that your vibrational resonance, your field of awareness, and your spiritual capabilities, such as being able to read energy, and to shape it into outer events and conditions, are all developing at what some call quantum Lightspeed.

You may feel at times that the pace is too fast, that the requirements are too steep, as you deal with involving dreams at night, feelings of tiredness, headaches or dizziness, heart palpitations, and other symptoms most medical practitioners cannot explain.

We will say, that your forward movement is like a fast-moving whirl of energy that sweeps through your physical, mental, and emotional energy bodies now, as a small tornado would.

And yes, this most assuredly has far-reaching effects on your outer life.

Yet notice the degree to which you are increasingly seeing that there is no “outer life”!

Notice how you are grasping so powerfully now that all is in a constant state of flux—fluctuating vibrational resonances—yet somehow, rather than feeling weakened by that fact, you are emboldened by it. . . . 

Read More HERE

Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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