Love, the only Truth! |
Here in the spiritual realms we are enthusiastically cheering you on as you race forward toward the moment of your collective awakening. You have been told for a number of years now, even a couple of decades, that you are very, very close to your awakening, and that is and always has been the case. However, the time aspect of the illusory or dreamlike environment in which you find yourselves, as humans in form, is extremely unstable, and it appears to move forward very slowly when you are waiting expectantly for something wonderful to occur, or when you are suffering, thus intensifying the seeming reality of the unreal environment in which appear to be living.
You are not your bodies, as you well know, and the conscious awareness that is the real you is now and always at One with Source, fully awake in perfect peace and joy. Nevertheless, having chosen to incarnate and be present in form at this point in the collective human awakening process to greatly and powerfully assist in bringing it to fruition, you are experiencing the unreal as real through your five senses, and it is very beguiling and distracting for you, as it can bring up strong and unsettling doubts such as “is this human experience perhaps the only reality after all, terminating finally in death?” Everyone experiences doubts, because it is the ego’s playground, and it loves it, whether engaging with it as a suffering victim or as a self righteous braggart and self-seeker.
Your egos know only the illusion, the unreal, and because it seems to be a once and only experience they want to prolong it as long as possible. Once you become aware and accept the truth that you are not your bodies, the ego’s life is almost over. It relies on fear to motivate you into accepting and following its guidance, and so when you move into peace and full self-acceptance, as many of you are now doing, it feels mightily threatened and intensifies its efforts to arouse fears and doubts in you individually and collectively, hence the noisy distractions of the MSM as they point to “others” who threaten your safety, even your existence. This is happening on a large scale at present as the collective karmic ‘stuff,’ that is coming up for acknowledgment, thanks, and release, seems to be increasing humanity’s suffering all across the world. And, yes, this ‘stuff’ does appear to be increasing and magnifying humanity’s suffering all across the world, in all cultures, creeds, nations, and political and business organizations. Competition is increasing as egotistical would-be leaders shout out their beliefs and dogmas ever more vociferously on the multitude of media channels to any who will listen, but it is competition that can only fail. Instead of uniting groups against groups, cultures against cultures, and religious or political persuasions against other similar organizations, it is demonstrating to the people who have supported them for so long the deep levels of corruption and lack of honesty or integrity within the upper levels of nearly all of those hierarchical groups or organizations.
People are waking up!
They are no longer allowing themselves to be persuaded to divide and form opposing groups seeking conflict with those who disagree with them. People are instead coming together, pretty well everywhere on the planet, to discuss and expose the long and still ongoing series of fables and falsehoods –‘News Stories’ – that those who control the media have been publishing in newspapers, magazines, and on broadcast and social media channels in order to persuade people everywhere that authoritarian rules imposed by governments, governmental agencies, and very large international business organizations are for the general good of humanity and are necessary for people’s safety and survival.
You are all, without exception, very powerful beings who, if you will go within and listen to your holy God-given inner guidance – from God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and many others in the spiritual realms on whom you call, and who are always and most patiently waiting for your call – and trust it you will find inner peace, instead of giving away your power and trust to your own seriously misguided and ill-informed egos or to the egos of others. You all have within you personal and individual access to the spiritual realms, and you will never be led astray or misinformed by those loving beings who are with you in every moment to support you and help you to let go of your doubts. They will hep you to see through the ingrained and invalid beliefs imposed upon you by others in your infancy and childhood, that may well have served a useful purpose then, but that no longer serve you now.
Those individual beliefs are deeply ingrained as a result of experiences in infancy and childhood, and they need to be reexamined with guidance from those on your spiritual support teams, then they – like a belief in Father Christmas or tooth fairies which you discarded long ago, along with others which are clearly not true – need to be discarded, let go of so that you can open your minds to Love, the only Truth,in whatever way It shows Itself to you.
Love is One, is unchanging, but can be experienced in numerous ways in your human lives – offered to you by loved ones, offered by you to loved ones, offered to others when you see and hear them, and when you are amazed by the beauty of natural scenery or a sunset – when you choose to open yourselves to It. Opening yourselves to Love is the main task that you set yourselves to fulfill before you incarnated, and it is why you spend so much of your lives looking for It. And, of course, It is with you constantly, It is the energy field that enlivens your bodies, and if you will open yourselves to It and invite It to embrace you, It will do so immediately, and you will feel Its Presence.
The choice to be human was the choice to experience separation from Love, Source, Mother/Father/God. But actual separation is impossible, because there is only the One within which all are eternally present. However, you do have free will, and that is always honored, thus your choice to experience the unreal state of separation is honored until you choose to end it. As One you make choices with infinite Wisdom that do not change, but as humans in form you are constantly making and changing your individual choices dependent on your feelings and mood swings, which is why it is so hard for you to permanently discard beliefs that no longer serve you. To be successful in doing so you need to keep resetting the intent to do so, and then keep practicing that until you no longer engage in life with those invalid beliefs.
To experience the warm and uplifting embrace of Love you have to invite It in and you have to release anything within you that is not in alignment with It – fear, anger, resentment, judgment, etc. – because Love is always unconditional and without judgment of any kind, It never discriminatesbecause that would be utterly contrary to Its eternal and unchanging nature. While you hold within yourselves anything other than Love that is what you will experience. You cannot love one person while judging or hating another because attempting to do that is to discriminate, so what you experience as love of someone under those conditions is really a very limited sense of affection that excludes the other, and that may well change as your life circumstances change.
Therefore it is essential for your awakening that you go within at least once daily to set and practice the intent to be only loving whatever arises, and, as situations or issues arise during the day, reset your intent, especially if someone says or does something that arouses within you feelings of anger, resentment, unfairness, or any other sense of upset. By doing this you come to an awareness that you do in fact choose what feelings you wish to experience, and that consequently you can change your choices and chooseto feel peace instead of fear or anger. It truly is within your power to do so because you are extremely powerful beings.
BE the Peace you wish to see in the world!
With so very much love, Saul.