Hello Beautiful Being ~
I am so happy that we are starting a new SOAR FEST this week!!
The loving support of the non-physical is SO great — I am ready for a sustained experience of coming together and being in that higher light. Woohoo!!!
The profound clarity and perspective of Archangel Michael and the Council of Radiant Light has been so exquisite lately. The Equinox event really helped me. I now feel more clear and purposeful and also, so deeply supported.
After being sick and recovering for 18+ months I’m amazed to feel so optimistic and good. (Thankful!!) And still … let’s be real.
It’s HARD right now.
Nearly everyone I talk with feels pretty overwhelmed! Often sad. Not sure what to expect. The Equinox energies are still strong and deep change is underway in our collective experience. I cried today for what felt like no reason! I talked with a friend who had the same experience! There is a lot of energy moving. Our spiritual connections can be very helpful right now, as a way to receive love and support and also to expand our understanding and consciousness.
It is clear that this promises to be a very loving, nurturing, supportive and expansive Soar Fest!! We start tomorrow. If you would like to join us, please click here:
The EMERGING LIGHT Soar Fest, starting Monday, Oct. 4
Blessings and love!