October Energy Forecast – Emmanuel Dagher


Hi My Friend,

As we enter October, new possibilities are presenting themselves that can bring greater clarity and understanding about our next steps.

This clarity will continue to anchor itself throughout the rest of the year, touching many areas of our lives that we’ve been feeling unsure about. The same goes for the world as a whole.

We’ve been witnessing so much confusion and chaos taking place in the collective, that it’s leaving many people to question themselves about nearly everything.

The new possibilities coming our way in the coming months will offer greater clarity, and will make a strong impact as we increasingly focus on how to heal, learn from all that has taken place over the last two years, and move on to the next stage of our personal and collective journey.

Waking Up

The world is waking up at a rate that can no longer be ignored or denied, even by the most cynical. This is the moment that so many way-showers, and those dedicated to their personal healing path, have been working hard to bring forth into the collective experience.

It will now be too challenging to try to continue the habit of ignoring or denying the discomforts we have all been experiencing.

There’s often a level of comfort that comes with looking the other way when something makes us feel uncomfortable. Yet doing this over and over again has a way of compromising our well-being and happiness.

When we look the other way and go along with an uncomfortable status quo, it’s easy to willingly give our power away by relying on a select few to make all of our decisions for us.

Doing this for as long as we have as a human race has tremendously shaped how we treat ourselves and others, and how we allow ourselves to be treated.

When we know we are worthy of more, we willingly resolve the discomforts that have kept us from being the freest, most authentic and empowered version of ourselves. 

We are seeing now that what little comfort or numbness we used to find in looking the other way, is simply no longer sustainable.

This is a clear indicator that an awakening IS happening!


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