May 30, 2021LISA RENEE: “Shadow Clearing”


“Shadow clearing work means we will enter the dark night of the soul, as it opens the spiritual process to remove that which caused disconnection within ourselves so that we can be reborn into the spiritual foundation of our true core self. The process of shadow work is transforming the dark interior and shadow aspects by applying self-compassion and the light of conscious awareness upon that which had hurt us, and by intentionally choosing self-love and forgiveness towards that content which needs to be healed. To do shadow clearing work means that we transform the emotional pain that formed into inner darkness and transform that emotional content into light, thereby increasing the light of consciousness inside of ourselves, as we develop healthier ways to love ourselves and others. The shadow produces very low-quality images in consciousness perception along with poor discernment and a lack of clarity. Shadow work is sacred body work which is intrinsically connected to the spiritual ascension process, and to this end if every individual would take responsibility for clearing their inner shadow this alone would greatly improve the world as we know it.”

~Lisa Renee


At the most basic level, we each have a collective shadow body that we have inherited as connected to humanity, as well as an individual shadow body that has formed from accumulative traumatic experiences and emotional conflicts. The negative emotions generate shadow elemental substances and dead energies that build up and become enmeshed with our physical layers forming into energy blockages. To release these energy blockages, we are required to address the shadow body, so clearing the shadow means to first be able to face our emotional wounds. To achieve spiritual integration, we must become conscious of our past emotional trauma and then allow a safe space in which to heal these dark places, in order to transmute the shadow body and live in a much more conscious, authentic, and loving lifestyle.

When we have suffered a trauma that resulted in significantly painful emotions, parts of our psyche and consciousness shut down as a way to protect ourselves. Sometimes if the trauma was painful enough to generate dissociation, the mind will fracture into subpersonalities that hide behind the amnesiac barriers. The body will react by constricting and contracting itself, shutting down the heart so the residue of unprocessed pain gets recorded in the shadow body and in the physical body. In order to heal from this emotional trauma, the body has to let go and unwind the physical and emotional constriction patterns that consolidated into energy blockages that were formed from the negative emotional pain experienced.

Core emotional wounds that form into our shadow and pain body sabotage our divine purpose and prevent us from finding deeper meaning in life, it dampens our joy and interferes with our service in this world. The shadow shows up as our unconscious fears, uncontrolled impulses, knee jerk reactions, chronic forms of anger, depression, loneliness and addictions. These accumulated emotional wounds form a dark shadow interior that will resonate with outer dark forces in matched resonance, and then the body can be used to transmit a range of negative forces in the environment. This phenomenon manifests as the psychic vampire profile, an unconscious person with unhealed shadow that has become a repository of outer negative forces, which they unconsciously transmit to others in exchange for siphoning higher energies from their target from a lack of self-awareness.

The shadow paralyzes and freezes emotional pain inside our body until we recognize it is happening and develop self-awareness, along with the willingness to sink deeper inside our hearts and review the past trauma experiences that were interpreted as deeply painful emotions in the body. The trauma experiences that form the shadow body generate stagnation that eventually disintegrates the lightbody layers, erodes our personal integrity and blocks our ability to access our inner resources, both energetic and spiritual. At a certain level of advanced progression of unhealed shadow, the negative ego mind will tend to create forms of pleasure from out of the unhealed pain of the shadow. This generally takes form in addiction coping mechanisms that are conditioning harmful or destructive behaviors in the central nervous system. The mind is tricked into believing that harmful activities and negative belief systems are beneficial and pleasurable, in order to find ways for the mind and body to escape the inner tension and stagnant pain.

Shadow clearing work means we will enter the dark night of the soul, as it opens the spiritual process to remove that which caused disconnection within ourselves so that we can be reborn into the spiritual foundation of our true core self. The process of shadow work is transforming the dark interior and shadow aspects by applying self-compassion and the light of conscious awareness upon that which had hurt us, and by intentionally choosing self-love and forgiveness towards that content which needs to be healed.

To do shadow clearing work means that we transform the emotional pain that formed into inner darkness and transform that emotional content into light, thereby increasing the light of consciousness inside of ourselves, as we develop healthier ways to love ourselves and others. The shadow produces very low-quality images in consciousness perception along with poor discernment and a lack of clarity. Shadow work is sacred body work which is intrinsically connected to the spiritual ascension process, and to this end if every individual would take responsibility for clearing their inner shadow this alone would greatly improve the world as we know it.

Because of the planetary shifting this year, there is an intense pressure towards completing the previous cycles in order to synthesize the opposing polarities into neutral, and this is weighing very heavy on many of us. We can feel this personally, globally and even into the Solar System and Universal realms. The Megiddo Archetypal Battle is both potentially a serious spiritual initiation of facing the Universal Shadow and its dark arts training, in order to gain the proficiency each initiate requires for the highest expression of their potential in the next cycle.

Dark arts training refers to a period in your life where you are being pushed really hard, usually through some sort of unresolved problem or personal suffering, to go beyond your current frame of reference in order to fully comprehend what is happening to you spiritually. This profound moment also means pulling back the veil that has hidden the alien interference in planetary and human evolution. Rather than feel victimized by these events, this is the time to take 100% responsibility for the direction of your own spirit, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This is the time to build your spiritual house and develop some energetic muscle, mental discipline and meditation skill and stabilize our core foundation. This phase usually requires that we educate ourselves about the nature of reality, and go through a type of cosmic re-orientation process. If we don’t have an accurate assessment of the many forces that are operating on the earth at this time, it is very difficult to impossible to navigate through the chaotic terrain.

One of the most common reactions is for people to seek an outside quick fix, such as to have entities removed or implants extracted by a third party. There may be times when this can be helpful, but ultimately, learning how to do spiritual housekeeping for our self is the most beneficial. Until we build the inner spiritual house and command our space in proper intent, consent and authority, these quick fixes will not last. Each one of us must discern the nature of the antichrist and the shadow forces that it manipulates around us and through us, and discern the energetic differences between dark, light and neutral forces in order to fortify and strengthen our lightbody and personal residence for a strong home advantage.

As you comprehend the larger playing field of the forces that are fighting in this earth reality, you can learn how to defend yourself through the building of the 12D Inner Christos Shield, and by learning how to perform an inner scan and clear your body as a daily spiritual practice. Your life will change dramatically with an increasingly deeper and clear God connection. There really is no going back to seeing the world as you did before as we stand at the precipice of evolution, a new era. Facing the dark shadows through dark arts training is typically a huge turning point in one’s life, and this is strengthening us for meeting the ultimate confrontation, the Megiddo Archetypal Battle.

In this final battle for our personal sovereignty, we must gain and hold the inner spiritual power that is required to finally evict the Anti-Christ from interfering in and manipulating the forces in our lives, casting out the Universal Shadow from this planet, once and for all.


~via Universal Shadow


Photo by Ascension Avatar (5/29/2021)

“Shadow Clearing”


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